
I am a vegan and I have a question about god and animals!?

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What should I say when people tell me that god put animals on earth so we could eat them?




  1. Just say wow he sure did do a good job with these animals lol

  2. In the beginning, when God created all living things, he said this "You may eat the fruit off of any tree in this garden." except for the tree of Knowledge. He never said anything about being able to eat the animals. When we were first created, we were made to be vegetarians.

    Not until later in the Bible does God give permission to humans to eat "... any of the moving creatures on this Earth."

    We are allowed to eat meat, but the Bible doesn't state that we HAVE to.

  3. Its all about peace, forgiveness, treat others as you want to be treated.. and animals are others aren't they? Factory farming is cruel.. I dont think God would be very pleased with the way we are torturing his animals and using them as a luxury product. Just because we can doesn't mean we should.. Oh.. and he didn't put animals here so we could farm and eat them, they are here to live just like us.

  4. Tell them that human are animals too, and ask if that would justify cannibalism.

  5. Tell them this:

    Originally Adam and Eve were vegetarians. The only reason God allowed us to eat meat was because after the flood (Noah's Ark) all the vegetation was wiped out and we had no other choice. But now we DO have other choices and meat is not needed in our diets anymore.

    You can also tell them that even if God intended us to eat meat, that I'm sure he didn't intend for inhumane factory farms that are ruining the enviorment and abusing his creatures.

    My personal belief is that animals were meant for food, but the abuse was not meant to happen. And since there is really no humane way to kill animals (and not that it's going to happen anytime soon) I just choose to avoid the whole thing.

    Hope I helped and good luck :)

  6. Tell them “And God put Buddha on Earth to teach us why we shouldn’t” at least that’s what I would say.

    An argument they’re more likely to accept though is the one of “freewill”.  We don’t have to eat the animals since God gave us the ability to decide not to.

    Overall though, I turned away from Christianity for this precise reason; since there really is no place for compassion for animals anywhere in the Bible and meat-eaters like to bring up this topic from time to time.

  7. Tell them that you base your decisions on REALITY instead of MYTHOLOGY.

  8. I would ask why then did God have Adam and Eve not eating meat till after the fall of mankind with the failure in the Garden of Eden.

    Simple quetion - but difficult to answer when one makes the assumption that you wrote about having to address.

    Should give them cause to think.

  9. I am a meat eater and I too find that argument somewhat faulty.  They were put here to fill their niche in nature.  But we are allowed to eat what we need.


    In a free open forum all are allowed to respond.

  10. Just kindly (or not so kindly, if the person is very rude) ask them to give you specific proof that God intended animals to be eaten.  They'll probably quote the verse about man having dominion over animals.  If they do, just say that "dominion" isn't the same as "domination," and it still doesn't mean that that gives us permission to slaughter God's creatures.  Remind them about all the verses on eating grain, fruit, etc., and say that there is nothing specific in the Garden of Eden portion about eating meat.  

    If they keep harping on about it (which they probably will), just say that the Bible is only a human's interpretation anyway, and that we cannot possibly have any divine knowledge.

    Also remind them that eating vegetables is what humans were designed to do.  Our teeth are not sharp; our teeth were made to grind vegetables, not tear meat.  Why would God make us that way otherwise?

  11. yes i am a vegan and have the same issue. I say that humans were given animals to eat because this source was able to take care of their dietary needs, but was not intended to be used forever. In this day and age humans have developed foods that can support a vegan completely, there is no longer any need for meat. God loves all creatures, so it makes sense for God to not want us to kill animals unnecessarily, not the God i believe in. Humans developed the habit of eating meat, and we all know how hard it is to break bad habits, it just stuck.

    yes, that is basically what i say. It may sound wierd but most people i talk to don't have much of an argument after that.

    good luck!!

  12. Tell them that that doesn't change the fact that the factory farming industry is hideously cruel , that raising animals for food has lethal effects on our environment, or that meat/dairy etc. are full of chemicals and hormones that are exceedingly dangerous to our health. It doesn't matter whether or not we were "meant to eat meat" or that "god put animals on earth for us to eat". None of that changes the fact that meat consumption is awful for the animals, the environment and our health. This is what you should tell people.

    P.S. Thanks for making a compassionate choice, and sorry if I sound kind of bitter. :)

  13. *restricting answers to an open question is against Y!A regulations in case you did not know*

    As for your question, if you can't justify your choice, then there must be something wrong with it unless you are in the habit of doing things for no reason at all. There has to be a reason why you became a vegan and you should be able to explain that when asked. BUT only if there is a need to explain. You don't have to answer people who are questioning your lifestyle choice. If they say that again just answer with "Thank you for expressing your views..." and leave it at that.

    having said tghat, if you really insist on answering, then you could say this " That God made animnals for us to eat may be true. But a benevolent God also made animals for us to appeciate alive. I choose the second option".

  14. God never thought about it, he doesn't micro manage, If eating a fat double-double makes you happy then God is happy

  15. Mankind was allowed to eat meat after the flood, since all vegetation had been wiped out, but I'm sure God would not approve of factory farming.

  16. well he put the  vegetables there also.....

    no one knows who/what has a soul...........

  17. There's really not much to say against that one, it's actually in the bible. Yes, there's some interpretation involved, but if that's their belief you're not going to be able to argue against it.

    Look, just remember that everyone is entitled to their own dietary choices. Instead of arguing over an difference of opinion, just go on with your day. Just say "If that's how you feel, that's up to you, but I think you're wrong".

    And yes, I do eat meat, but I readily accept your choice to be a Vegan. I don't agree with it, but it is YOUR choice to make, if you're happy with it, that's good enough for me.

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