
I am a vegetarian, i eat quorn and i wasw wondering if i still need to have vitiman tablets??

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I am a vegetarian, i eat quorn and i wasw wondering if i still need to have vitiman tablets??




  1. You should always take a multivitamin, no matter your eating style. Quorn is yummy for sure, but it absolutely does not fulfill all your daily nutritional requirements.

  2. If you are eating a good mix of veggies, fruits, and proteins, no.

  3. Eat a variety of vegetarian food. You have so many choices. Quorn is a healthy meat alternative (not vegan last time I checked so I don't eat it.), but there sure are lots of other things to eat in addition to it.

    Yes, take a multivitamin but don't over do it with the vitamins, that's not good for you either.  

    Have a healthy, happy, cruelty free day! :o)

  4. what the h**l is quorn?

  5. If that's ALL you eat then I would say you would need to take vitamins but if you eat plenty of whole grains and veggies then you are getting all the vitamins you need.

    Check out the vegetarian food pyramid

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