
I am a vegetarian, want to become vegan, but i keep eating cheese.?

by Guest63784  |  earlier

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i have been a vegetarian for 6+years and was a vegan for 2, but during a stressful time in my life i started eating cheese again (comfort food). would like to know how others made the transition for good.




  1. I think that's just stupid...we only have one life and you're missing out on some of the best things! lol

  2. switch to ice cream and chocolate

    works for me

    hope this helps :]

  3. try soy cheese. if you try to stick with it eliminating all actual cheese from your kitchen it will work out. i've had problems with sticking to it too. but it becomes easier. eventually if you do eat it, you'll be sick and if you eat it, wont taste good. you'll slowly see you will loose the desire for it.

  4. It's so easy to fall back into eating dairy.  I was a vegan too but started eating chocolate again last year-hoping to get back on track soon though so looking forward to seeing the rest of the answers! What I'd suggest doing is firstly stop buying cheese that way it's not in the house and you can avoid it.  Eat cheese alternatives which will make giving it up easier and you might even prefer it and lastly believe you can do it.  You did it for 6 years already and this is only a minor set back caused by your stress.

  5. I'm not vegan I'm vegetarian

    If you really want to go vegan for moral reasons I would look up how cheese is made and see how the animals are treated.  It's always easier to do something when you have a reason

  6. Cheese is not a good comfort food. It's the fat you're craving. Try increasing the nuts and seeds in your diet. Fruit is sweet so if you find yourself craving sugar, eat fruit not chocolate!

  7. At the Ukrops near me, there is an organic section where they sell tofu. There, I can find a lot of vegan choices like vegan ice cream, mayo, turkey, CHEESE, and more.

    So go to Ukrops and try to find some.

    If you can't, buy a big bag of pita chips or cherries. They're both incredibly delicious =)

  8. I'm starting to believe been vegan or vegetarian actually makes you smarter. There are copious amounts of idiots trying to tell us vegan/vegatarians to eat meat 'cause life's to short and what not. You see in this short life we plan on standing up for what we believe and also there are heaps of health benefits with it to. So while your laying in hospital with cancer or shortly after you have had a heart attack I'll be all good. You should stop criticizing because you benefit from others been vegan and vegetarian. Chances are my life won't be as short as yours to.

    Next time you open your mouth and try and make someone else another narrowminded clone of society, stop and think... Just 'cause some one is different to you doesn't mean it's wrong.

    And with your cheese issue, I sorta do miss my cheese but it's something I'm passionate about and I feel good doing it so cheese doesn't matter anymore. That's how it is for me if I ever miss something but I guess you will have to give it up when your ready and you feel it's necessary. Maybe slowly cut down on the cheese if becoming vegan is something you really want to do. Anyways good luck, hope it works out for you. =)

  9. where is your life..

  10. I have been mostly vegan for a year Vegetarian for 7. I lapsed a couple times and ate dairy by accident and a time or 2 on purpose. When I ate it on purpose (cheese) It did not taste as good as I anticipated so I did not really want it. Now with cake it was sooo good. So I learned to make my own cakes and cookies.

    If your problem is with cheese inparticular, one thing is to keep it out of your house. Make your own substitutes of these foods. Mac n cheese, lasagna, mashed potatoes.

    It took me about 5 tries over the course of 3 years to give up dairy. It was hard but after a month its a lot better. I just did not eat it, I felt good about what I was doing and that was good enough at the time. I made more pasta with olive oil and ate more tofu.

    Remember milk is gross and unnatural for humans to consume would you drink your dogs milk anymore than a cows milk.

  11. try soya cheese

  12. Slap that cheese on a red-meat burger and enjoy yourself. Life is too short for rabbit food, unless you are a rabbit. Give in to your inner carnivore and feast on the flesh of lesser beasts.

  13. I'm sorry... you'll have to tell me your motives.

    is there any chance that you also wore leather shoes during that time frame?

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