
I am a vegetarian. Do ferrets they eat plants? Do they need meat?

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I am a vegetarian. Do ferrets they eat plants? Do they need meat?

I am a vegetarian. I am thinking about getting a ferret as a pet:

Do ferrets they eat plants? Do they need meat?

I don't want a ferret to eat meat, so I don't have to give him meat?

What can I give a ferret besides meat?




  1. First off, not to sound mean but you said the same question like four times. Secondly, ferrets NEED meat, you cannot give them vegetables because it's not good for there digestion. I'M VEGETARIAN AND I'M GETTING FERRETS. You cannot force a CARNIVORE to eat only vegetables. Plus, the food comes in a bag. He will die if you don't give him enough protein and fat- FROM MEAT.

  2. It's not a matter of meat, it's a matter of nutrients.

    In the wild, animals like ferrets and cats eat just about anything they can find to survive.

    They mainly feed on insects, small animals and some grass and plants.

    They are resilient survivors and, as long as they get a certain amount of certain nutrients, they will be healthy.

    Thanks to modern science, we are able to produce foods that contain these nutrients, without using any animal products.

    You can find vegetarian ferret food at many pet stores and on the internet.

    This is an excellent option for people who already have ferrets.

    But the best option for you is to just not get a ferret.

    As a vegetarian, you should understand that ferrets belong in the wild, and as long as people keep buying them from pet stores, breeders will keep breeding them for pet stores.

    Please rescue an animal from a shelter instead.


  3. well you could give them vegetables for a while but sooner or later they will get hungry for meat. if you don't give them meat they might get sick. It would probably bite you and then it will like it and try to eat you like a vulture. After it tries to eat you and you trap it in a cage call pet control they will come and take it away never to return. They would probably kill the ferret. So its up to you.

  4. Jason you are an idiot and I don't care if I get reported for saying that either. Ferrets have NEVER been wild animals. That is why they are called domestic ferrets. They need meat to survive and ideally would do best on a meat only diet. They cannot digest plant matter and so they don't need it.

    Get a rabbit they are herbivores (they don't eat meat)

  5. Ferrets make wonderful pets.  They are playful and fun, and can really get into mischief if you don't watch them.

    Ferrets are Mustelids, and therefore are somewhat Omnivorous in their eating habits, but they MUST have meat as part of their diet.  No worries though, because a Ferret will do quit well on dry cat food.  This makes it easier and cleaner to feed them.  Just make ABSOLUTELY SURE you give them plenty of fresh, clean water at all times, or eating this dry food will give them kidney stones.  There IS meat in the dried cat food though, so if that bothers you, it is best NOT to get a Ferret.  

    You would be better to get a Rabbit, Guinea Pig, Rat, Mouse, or Hamster.  Otherwise you'll be hard pressed to find a small pet Mammal that does not eat meat in one way or another.  Cats and dogs are out.

  6. Ferrets are strict carnivores, which means they MUST have meat in their diet to survive (whether it be in a kibble form or actual meat). They cannot digest fruits and veggies. If you want a pet that can be a vegetarian, then do not get a ferret. Look into getting some type of rodent or a rabbit.

    This reminds me of a website that I came across that is selling vegetarian foods for dogs, cats, and ferrets. I don't even want to think about all the animals' lives that are being shortened because of that food being on the market. Please, if you want a vegetarian pet, that's fine, it's your thing, I understand, but do not get a ferret. Carnivorous animals cannot live off of a vegetarian diet (otherwise they wouldn't be carnivores, they'd be omnivores or herbivores).

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