
I am a vegetarian how can I get a lot of protein to build muscle?

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I am working out so I try and eat as much protein as possible to get the most out of my workouts to build muscle. Should I look into whey protein or some supplements that you can just make at home or take or however they work.




  1. I would first suggest researching from credible sources how much protein the body really can use in a day and go from there. You seem to be under the impression that there is some significance to the "the more the better" philosophy.

  2. Eat meat you weirdo.

  3. You can get protein from many sources like the Hawaiian "Poi" which is very high in protein and has not animal byproducts.

    In my opinion I would stay away from "Soy Protein" because if you're using supplements, it's been proven to raise Estrogen levels which is an opposite effect of what you want.

    Whey protein is known by many to be an excellent source of protein. Continue to look for quality sources of whey protein though because all supplements are not created equally either. Remember not to take in too much protein as some of the answers are also correct about being problematic and harsh on the body.

    Nuts, seeds, wheats, oats, baked beans, peanuts, muesli, chick peas, broccoli, potatoes and rice are other sources. Depending on how much of a vegetarian you are, "egg whites" are a very good source as well.

    The site is an extremely low cost and very informative product that has information on all aspects of working out and nutrition for all body types.

  4. this is somewhat a specialized question not the "regular" food and drink sort..

    You can perhaps ask tis in another section (not sure where though) where there are more "experts" on the subject of body building.

  5. Eggs.  Some of the best protein available.

  6. I wouldn't suggest a supplement, but protein powder would work.  It's best to get protein through food.  Great sources of protein include:  soy milk, soy products, (or regular milk would work if you are not a strict vegan) cheese, eggs, beans, yogurt, the fake meats like Boca burgers or the Morning Star brand (they are just as delicious as real meats, if not more!), protein bars (make sure they are the natural ones like Clif so they have no unwanted additives, sugars, etc), nuts, tofu, etc.

  7. Building muscle has more to do with what you do in the gym and not so much with an overload of protein.  If you get an average of 60 grams of protein a day, you will see the results in the gym as being the same as if you ate 150 grams a day.  

    Excess protein doesn't get used by the body.  It simply flushes out your system of much needed vitamins and minerals.  This is the reason that excess protein can lead to iron deficiency and calcium loss.

    Eat a moderate amount of grains, beans, and soy products, and exercise or weight train regularly and you will build muscle.

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