
I am a vegiterean (sp?!?!) and need to know different ways to get protein!!!

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My parents told me to ask about protein because i need to eat well. So is there anything to try that will hlp with protein. I am not a vegean so i can drink milk but i do not eat eggs because i don't like them. So i need a way of getting protein. Please help.




  1. Beans, cheese

  2. Soy "milk" (give up that other stuff), beans.  You'll be fine.  Tell your parents humans aren't meant to be carnivores, therefore we're meant to get our protein in other ways.

  3. milk, of course, along with tofu, beans, peas, nuts, peanut butter, legumes, and soyabeans. also protein bars/shakes/etc. some vegetarians eat fish for extra protein.

  4. Firstly, its spelled vegetarian and vegan, not vegiterean and vegean.

    Secondly, try eating legumes, tofu, spinach, mock meats, nuts, leafy vegetables and pretty much all vegetables have some protein.

    Protein really isn't that hard to get. For example, if you make yourself a tofu scramble (maybe with some veggie sausage) for breakfast, then you would have got an enormous amount of your protein RDI and you can get the rest from bread and veggies (they contain protein, just not gigantic amounts). Try adding legumes into pastas for more protein.

  5. Bread, pasta, cereal, rice, beans, peas, lentils, nuts and seeds are excellent sources of protein.

    With fruits and veggies, every nutrient other than B12 can easily be covered. I recommend that every vegetarian take a B12 supplement. This definitely doesn't mean that a vegetarian diet is flawed as many people that eat meat, dairy AND fortified cereals have a lower B12 status than recommended.

  6. Soya products:u get soya chicken,mince,sausage,burgers...u name it and well its all made of soya

    bean and lentils are also high in protein

  7. It sounds like you're a kid, so I'd say eat plenty of that old youth standby, peanut butter.  It's loaded with protein and it requires no preparation.  

    Protein is essential to health, but don't sweat it too much.  The average western diet contains way more protein than necessary, and many studies suggest too much.  In the US, the FDA no longer lists a "daily value" for protein, probably because hardly anybody is protein deficient in the US.

    But to avoid conflict with your parents, just eat the dang peanut butter.  Also, (if your parents prepare the meals in your house) you may be able to persuade your parents to prepare you a bean dish (either for everybody or just for you) by comparing the price of meat to the price of beans.  Meat isn't getting any cheaper.  Saving money is one thing every parent loves.

  8. Soya proteins, cereals and pulses

  9. Eat a varied diet and get enough calories.  By the way, Vegetarian and Vegan are listed at the top of the section, so you should have no problem spelling them.

    Ask your parents if they've ever heard of kwashiorkor, a disease of protein deficiency.  I'm sure they haven't, as it's practically unheard of in industrialized nations.

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