
I am a very good pro for photoshop ....application what should i do for a better carrer in image editing?

by  |  earlier

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means... i do really good work with photoshop of editing images.. but its nt pro nw i want to make this work as a pro work .. and earn some money as well as fame too...




  1. well, you can just go to the local studio, and make their claim. Usually, it's the photographer which shoots and edits the images, they don't have people there that do ( at least in the Bahamas ). So, just go there, as ask if you can edit them images for the business. Show him your work, and see how impressive he thinks it is. If he/she likes it, you may get hired. However, the vass majority of photographers roll solo, and keep all the money for themselves, which isn't dumb.

    However, the photographer/photographers in your area might need a break, and help someone with the manipulation of their images, you can never know, next time, show us some of your work, and we can tell you what we think of it.

  2. if u really want to earm money online then please contact me with your full details at:

    we provide online work to persons who know computer and web surfing, Programming, Audio/Video Editings and Film related works etc. just a project to do by you and simple work and you get money in your account.


    Sunita G

  3. Well, I think if you are strongest in Photoshop, then you should go down the path of a production artist. They usually are masters of the programs they use. Alot of these individuals are used on a freelance basis.

    If you are great at editing images then start putting a before and after portfolio together and distribute to places like: The Creative Group (they help freelancers get connected with companies.)

    If you want to go down a Graphic Design path, then you really need to expand your knowledge of the rest adobe sweet.

  4. Go to college and major in either digital media or graphic design.  you will gain more experience and even though you may know some of the stuff they are teaching, it just gives you more practice and it gives you some back ground cred. for going to college, even if its just taking a couple classes and not getting a degree.  

    good luck.

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