
I am a very loud person and when i talk normailly i am shouting! does anybody know how i could quieten down?

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I am a very loud person and when i talk normailly i am shouting! does anybody know how i could quieten down?




  1. superglue ur mouth and blow bubbles

  2. Are you my sister?  She does the same thing!!!  I live in an apt and when she visits, she is talking so loud and I'm sitting right next to her.

    I just ask her:  Why are you yelling?  I'm right next to you.  Geez.

    All you have to do is stop yelling.  Be aware of the tone of voices around you.  Is everyone else yelling?  Etc.  And, then follow suit.

    Try whispering if you really can't tone your voice down.

    Hope that helps.

  3. Stop talking.

    You'll notice the wide smiles around you.

  4. That's not nice to talk in such a loud voice.. there really is no need to yell.. can't you try to just speak in a normal sound of voice... listen what others sound like.. make a sound recording of your own voice... it is offputting to have to listen to people with loud voices.. You need to become an army general that's where shouting is in order.. otherwise it's very offputting to everyone.. please listen to your own voice and then try to talk at half the volume.. that is probably normal voice level... everybody will believe you want to pick an argument with them if you are so loud and shout around...or maybe you have a hearing problem.. get your ears checked.. people who are hard of hearing shout a lot.. maybe you got too much wax in the ears.. get it checked at the doctor.. that's not normal and appears rude to others..

  5. Duct tape.

  6. Every so often lower your voice automatically.

    If someone says they can't hear've succeeded.

    It's takes practice.

  7. Practice makes habit and technique makes perfect. Make an effort to have a quiet life. That means eliminating any unnecessary sounds. Music worth listening to is worth LISTENING TO; if you are having a conversation then turn the music OFF. Ditto for TV; if you're not giving it your full attention then it's just habituating you to high noise level in your life.

    When you ARE watching or listening, then keep the volume to a minimum. If you can HEAR it, then it's loud enough! You and those around will have to avoid getting into a self perpetuating cycle of talking louder so as to be heard over the TV then turning up the TV so it can be heard over the conversation. MAKE UP YOUR MINDS.

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