
I am a victim to a hit and run. I identified the suspect in a photo lineup.

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My husband heard the high speed of the engine from the bldg when he ran out of the bldg. the man missed me and the man just braked right beside me. The police have yet to arrest the suspect and this occurred several weeks ago. Because I got out of the way in time and the man didn't hit me, what happens if the police can't find him? Who can I speak to next?




  1. Stay in touch with the Police and tell them your concerns.


  2. Ask the police for extra protection by having the police drive by your place during each police shift..and ask to speak with the detective on the case in what is going on with this case. seek out some legal advice in what your rights are as a victim of crime..

  3. People are crazy anymore or something.. who knows what would make him do that to you..

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