
I am a violinist and I played a Pierre Rode concerto. Is that good? I've only been playing for 6 and a half

by Guest34355  |  earlier

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years. Am I a prodigy or what?




  1. Yes, you are amazing!! EVERYONE BOW DOWN!  Is that what you wanted to hear?

  2. It all depends of if you played it WELL, not just the fact that you played it.

  3. I think to be a prodigy (by definition) you have to have made amazing progress at a very young age and with not that many years of playing. For example, Mozart was an amazing concert pianist and violinist by age 5.

    You might be a very skilled player, but I don't think you count as a prodigy.

  4. i find u the greatest vioin player in the world. i can not wait for the next concert. love ya


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