
I am a virgin, but i want to be pregnant?

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i'm almost sixteen, never had s*x, never had a bf...i'm really lonely at times, but i love kids and i want nothing more than to have a baby.

i am good at school, but i want someone to love.

i am in love with this guy and i want to have his baby. he doesn't love me back and i haven't seen him in over a year but is it wrong that i want to hold someone in my arms? i really want his baby.

but i'm young and its more of a fantasy, what should i do?




  1. Buy a pretend baby that burps pees and cries.  

  2. Having a a baby wouldn't give you something to love.  I would actually be a very cruel thing to do on purpose, as you don't have a guy and you're not even 16 yet.

    You always need to be complete in your own life before you throw a baby into the mix.  Its not going to fix any problems.

    Like, if you were married and you're marriage was shaky, having a baby wouldn't fix it.  It would put more strain on it.

    You need to be complete in your own life before you even think of starting another

    As for the fantasy?  I'm not completely clueless, I have wanted a baby too- its a natural urge because your body is ready to.  But you also need to think of your and your babies best interest.

  3. I can honestly say that I feel the same way at time:) It sucks, but i think that having a baby is the last thing you want right now! If you think you're lonely now, imagine how you'll feel when your friends dump you because they think you're a s**t, the guys at your school won't even look at you because they don't want to be blamed that they are the dad, and you'll have to drop out of school to take care of your child (if you want a child to love and hold, you wouldn't leave it with a sitter all day, would you?). I think you need an outlet... try writing down your thoughts, vent! It will make you feel a lot better! If you want someone to talk to, you can email me at!

  4. Why don't you wait a few more years? You will love this baby but this baby may not love you so much. This baby would want everything you can and you can't provide for them. You will need so much money, you can't imagine. Also, you will have to spend your day with that baby, wake up at nights, feed them, change diapers, do so many things which won't let you concentrate on education and work. You won't be able to work the first few years because you won't have anyone to leave with the baby. Also if someone stays with the baby, they will raise that baby the way they think it's right which may not be what You think is right. Also, that baby will grow into a toddler, will be dirty, will spill stuff, will get sick, will yell, will want everything. You will have to have tough nerves to handle him/her. Discipline is very important - if you can't discipline a child without hitting/yelling/punishing you shouldn't be a parent. Positive discipline should be used and learning it takes time. Also, you will become a grandmother at 36-40. When you go to your child's school activities, people will think you are his/her sister. Also, when the child around age 7-8, they get separated from you (emotionally, especially boys) and you won't be the center of their world anymore. You can't have a baby every time you feel lonely. Loneliness comes so you can think during that time about you, about everything, about the world, about your life. There will be time when you will have boyfriends, you will have s*x, you will do so many things that you won't have time to think for yourself or anything else, let alone time to study, etc. So, enjoy the time now, think about everything and then the time will come when you are ready to have a boyfriend or do what you want. Also, don't think s*x is something soooo wonderful. Just because your friends may be doing it doesn't make s*x into something to worship. It's a simple act of putting someone's p***s into someone's v****a and having exercizes. Nothing more. Boys have s*x without love - they don't need to love someone to have s*x with them. Girl usually love the boy they have s*x with. When one boy takes your virginity, you usually stay inlove with him even years later when he has dumped you (you rarely have the strength to dump the boy who was in your body) and you suffer. So, it's better to have a boyfriend who would stay with you longer than one year. This is just general knowledge.  

  5. get over that boy and be patient someone will come along soon!!

    get a baby wen u r settled and have a good income to support yourself.. a baby is a huge responsibility and sooo many people regret having a baby at a young age!!! for now concentrate on your studies and focus on gettin a've got time..  

  6. You don't want to lose your virginity so easily really.

    So....Get a taser, stun little kids in the mall and run off with them.



  7. get a dog.

  8. I agree with all the comments above. To fill the void get a part time job in a place with kids, like a day care or something. That might help!  

  9. Ask Jamie Spears.

  10. its hormones. trust me. i'm the same way. except i'm in a steady relationship and i am having s*x. however i'm not acting on my hormones. i'm way to smart to mess up my life like that. i'm waiting for a good 5-10 years before i have a baby. even though i insanely want one really bad right now and i'm 16 as well. i know soo many girls who have the same feelings and wayyy to many of them act on it and regret once they have the child

  11. If you have a baby now you will lose all the fun of high school. No dances, football games anything. And pregnancy does not do wonders for you body, think what t=the other girls would say when your 6 months pregnant walking down the hall. Take it from me, its not fun.

  12. get a puppy. They are easy to love, and love back. You don't have to worry about something causes a major speed bump in your life.  

  13. You should....wait....get over this guy you are infatuated with, graduate high school, go to college, worry about boyfriends and babies in about 7-10 years

  14. Wait for longer. It's painful but you'll regret it if you get pregnant now. You only have to wait for about five years and then you'll just about be old enough.

    I understand, I kind of feel the same. I love babies and feel lonely sometimes. I'm 17 and never had a boyfriend either.


  15. wait until you've finished your education before you have a baby.

    but you could get a pet like a cat, they're easy to look after, cuddly and lovable without the crying and stress.

  16. I don't think it is a good idea.. it's hard having kids.. i don't have any of my own yet  but My older sis had her 1st at age 16. she is now 20 has 3 kids in fact she had one last thursday. i see her struggle right now she is single cuz her bf is in jail but you see sometimes when you are a single mom it is hard.. finish school. go to college major in anything that you want and believe me by that time you will find mr.right and end up marrying a good guy let God put everything in place, don't go out searching with what you want but don't need at this time.. take care think twice before u do anything..  

  17. Be patient,

    You will find the right guy for you, and you will fall in love and he will want to build a relationship with you. Then the two of you will have a baby born out of love. Remember a baby needs a father too.

  18. It's normal for you to feel this way - it's just hormones. People used to have children at a younger age before people lived as long as they do today - so hormones kick in early to make you want a baby.

    As you know, it's much better to wait until you're financially stable and in a secure relationship to have a baby. Babies take a lot more love than they give, and they're a lot of hard work. You have plenty of time to have date and meet boys - you're only 16.  

  19. you're far too young to have a baby, but try getting a cuddly pet, like a small dog or a cat.

  20. Immaculate conception.

  21. Get thru hs and college first -_____-

    Just take care of your cousins or something

  22. All I can say is, hold out on having a baby until you're married, because then you will realize all the things you never will get to do or don't have time to do.  

  23. You really need to talk to someone about this.

    A school counselor, someone at planned you said, you want someone to love. You've associated this with wanting to have a child, but most likely you're just lonely and want someone to take care of and love you back.

    Good luck.  

  24. well......... maybe you should get over him you want a dad that will stay with your child

  25. There's is someone out there for everyone, and you'll find the right guy one day, i REALLY wouldn't consider getting pregnant at 16, a childs for life not just for christmas, and there really hard work and need 24/7 care, hope you reconsider

  26. Stay at school, go to college.

    Get a good job THEN a good man.

    What good is bringing your child into the world if you cant even provide for it yourself.

  27. That is so normal for a girl at the age of 16. You just want to have a little baby you can take care of and be a mother. That sounds good right? And it would be so awesome if you and your crush would be a family wouldn't it? But there is a problem. You are 16 and teenage pregnancy is so not fun. If you have a baby right now, you will have to forget all about college. And you won't enjoy motherhood the way you want to but if you wait for like 6 years everything will be better. You and the baby will have better life conditions and you will probably have found a guy who loves you enough to suggest having a baby. Just don't rush into anything. Good Luck!

    P.S. Maybe a kitten is the best solution??

  28. Look don't be in to much of a hurry to get pregnant because once that happens there is a lot more to do than most think about. Take your time go to school than college get your life together and remember if you had a baby and no way to really care for it by you self that is not to good for a baby not just you......

    however if you want to love something for time being than try a puppy or kitten and if you really want a challenge try a rabbit

  29. I feel the same way as you do, but when i think about it, I realize I am not ready to have a baby, and even though i would love it so much, I don't think getting up in the middle of the night to a screaming baby is what I need at the moment, because i want to give my baby a great start in life, and having a 16 year old mum who has barely left childhood herself, will not be able to give their baby that start.

    I think what I want is someone who will love me no matter what, probably a nice man who would love me back as much as I love them, I just hold on to the hope that one day i will meet the perfect man, have the perfect family, and know i have done right for myself by waiting just a few years longer, so everyone i love truly loves me back.

    I hope this helps you

    xxxx <3

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