
I am a virgin and I do not want to be subjected to a pap smear examination. What should I do?

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A little background info...I am currently in the military and supposedly it is mandatory. I was wondering what route to take to object to it. One reason being that you can only get cervical cancer from HPV, which is only transmitted by sexual intercourse. Please do not post "answers" persuading me to do so, or judging me...I have made up my mind. I just want to know the best route of action to take.




  1. Guest57574

     Please stop lying to this young lady.  If you are from the belief that the sign of viginity is a hymen, then yes, you will not be a virgin after this exam.  Furthermore, your husband will not even believe you because the tool that they use is about the size of three penises, so your husband will think that you were a prostitute.  I am thinking about joining the military, but this might be the very reason that I do not join.

  2. Don't know what being a virgin and a PAP have in common, but,  If you choose not to get a PAP, then just don't go to the doctor for a routine physical.  You are thinking about HPV, however PAP's are done for other reasons than just detecting HPV......

    Of course you are your own woman, and what you choose is your choice.  Again, if you choose not to have a PAP done, then just don't go to the doctor.  As long as I've been in the military no one has forced me to go to the doctor to have an annual exam, it's just something to protect myself from the different infections, disease, cervical cancer.

  3. You need to start having them, they are just like a guys colonoscopy, its just something that keeps you safe.

    Request a female doctor, thats about it.

    They can see if you are still a virgin, its a very basic procedure.

  4. I don't think there is anyway around it. You MAY however request a woman doctor. They can't force you to see a male doctor to get it done. I'd talk to a women ob/gyn. Explain how you feel. There are lots of reasons why a Pap needs to be done. Even if you don't have s*x, you can still get cervical cancer!

  5. Do as they tell you. Ever heard of doctor - patient confidentiality?  Well doctors have to stick by that law or you can sue them to h**l and back and they will loose their job, qualifications etc.

    As others have said once you sign the dotted line the military owns you and you will have to do as they say or face court marshall and thats something you dont wanna face for something as minor as this. Get an dishonourable discharge...really isnt worth it.

  6. I agree with most, there is NO way around a femal exam. Sorry. You will be offered a female doctor, and she will NOT take your virginity, if thats what you are worried about.

    You can have more wrong with you, other than cervical cancer...surprise. And no...cancer can be caused by ANYTHING. You can have ALOT wrong with you, but never know it.

    Woman up, and get over it. If your in the army, you need to do what you have to do to get healthy...if not...whatever..glad you aren't my solider cuz i would sooooooo smoke the h**l out of you for not taking your health serisouly.  

  7. mmmmm u dont need a smear until u start having s*x this shouldnt be allowed check out ur legal rights sounds a bit wierd to me hunni x

  8. If it is the only way you will be accepted in you must do it or quit.

  9. you should check with base legal services and explain to them that your desire is to not have this test done and let them determine if you can legally refuse this service.    it is your body and your rights should be protected.    good luck   mr doodles   usaf ret

  10. How old are you?

    All women who are or who have been sexually active, or who have reached age 21, should have an annual Pap smear. It is your best tool to detect pre-cancerous conditions and hidden, small tumors that may lead to cervical cancer. If detected early, cervical cancer can be cured.

    Don't know what being a virgin has to do with having a pap done?   Think about it...maybe she doesn't like the idea of being penetrated by a speculum for "her first time".    

  11. Look, once you become government property, you have to do what they tell you. They have a vested interest in making sure that you stay healthy...that is why you have to dental yearly and physicals regularly. There are a whole multitude of things that can go wrong with a woman and you need to be checked out...period.  

  12. I don't know the official policy, but as long as you are in you are technically government property. They are obligated to keep you healthy. There may be leeway on this but in most cases you can't refuse medical treatment if it is deemed important. They have no way of proving you are a virgin so that argument won't help.

  13. This came up - once - when I was a drill sergeant in the Signal Corps.  I had a all female platoon; one recruit expressed the same reluctance to a vaginal exam.  I was unclear what the problem was, so I double-timed on over to the OB-GYN Clinic (( there's a visual for you: a six foot plus, 190 pound, burr haircut, suntanned man in a Smokey Bear hat and cop style mirror shades trying to look inconspicuous in waiting room full of women; about half of them pregnant )) and got to speak with the OIC, a doctor.  She explained the procedure with the speculum (euwww); then informed me there were different sizes available, including one no larger than a tampon applicator. Which is another piece of information I really didn't want to know.

    It was much more difficult, but they managed to obtain the sample and the soldier retained her hymen.  I always kept that story to myself as one more TMI incident.   :- )  

  14. It is not mandatory.  I have a best friend who was a virgin and did not have to get one.  However, when she did get married she was not able to have s*x on her wedding night because of other issues she did not know about because she never had a pap done.  The pap itself would not have given her answers, but the examination would have.  It is still difficult for her to have s*x and so her and her husband don't.  

  15. I know when i went to get my frist pep smear done I was still a virgin and the Dr. refused to do a pap smear on me. You have a right to refuse any med. treament.  

  16. Cervical cancer can develop from more than just HPV.  Whoever informed you of the fact that the only way a female can develop cancer is through HPV; misinformed you.  One can be predisposed to cancer by many different factors.  The main being genetics.  Some scientists believe that some forms of cancer can develop through the consumption of certain foods, medications, and/or vitamins; especially, the metallic ones.  Others believe that certain forms of HPV can have a link to cancer.

    There are over a hundred known strains of HPV, and at this point, only two have a link to cancer.  A link being that there is a correlation between the two on the topic of cancer.  Not one preceding the other in the cause of cancer.

    You do not have to be sexually active to need a pap test.  It is highly recommended so that one can properly take care of her body.  However, since you are not sexually active you can go longer in between tests.  Just talk to you doctor and explain your issues that you have expressed in your question.

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