
I am a volleyball player and i have a couple questions?

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what is the best way to get your arm swing stronger and what is the fastest way to increase your vertical




  1. work out && do arm swings to build speed

  2. What our coach made us do is to go outside or in your basement and bet in front of a wall and aim for a spot then jump for it and just do this again and again.

  3. The best way to strengthen your arms in weightlifting.

    The fastest way to increase your vertical is to do some exercises using a resistance band and an exercise ball.

  4. doing plyos in the sand will increase speed and vert.

  5. leg work...for ur verticle jump...just jump up and down evey day up onto a step then back down...for your arm swing its all about ur approach..member left......rightleft

  6. I think this is The Simplest and the BEST WAY!! ^__^

    you know that is so easy....whenever you see a a roof or a high wall or saomething tall............go JUMP as high as you can and try to reach for it with your hands on SPIKING position i assure you this will increase your Jumping rates and direction in spiking! ^__^

  7. The best way to get your arm swing stronger is practice practice practice.  Get a ball, and a wall.  Practice hitting the ball down to the ground so it bounces against the ground, then the wall, right back to you.  You should hit the ball off of the wall, right back to the ground.  I played DI vball and now coach DII vball and this is the best drill I've seen to improve your armswing.  You should practice so you can hit 100 balls in a row right back to yourself.  

    The fastest way to increase your vertical would be a combination of fast jumps (jump rope, jump on small objects like a step or small box, etc) and high jumps.  For the high jumps, find a really large box (24-36 inches).  Most high schools and gyms have one.  Work on doing volleyball approaches onto these boxes.  Even if you don't have a 24 inch.vertical, you have to pull your knees up to get up on the box.  A lot of jumping helps you jump higher.  Mix that with lifting, like squats and cleans, and you will improve your vertical.

  8. to strengthen my arm swing i stretch everday as well as lifting small weights 5 times a week at home and then lifting heavier on the machines 2 times a week.

    to increase my vertical....i do squats, lunges, and wall sits...just try to build up your leg strenght and your jump should get higher

  9. only perfect practice makes perfect play. always make sure you dont sacrifice techniue for raw power. to get better, being stronger in your legs and arms always helps but it getting on the court and jumping or swinging until you absolutley cant.

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