
I am a volleyball player and i need some tiops on how to impress the coaches so i can make the 7th grade team?

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i need some suggestoins on how to make sure i dont mess up my skills and how to impress the judges, i have a overhand serve that goes over but not 100 percent of the time, i am bumps, sets, and a spike, so can i have tips on how to further better my skills, we also have an endurance run for try outs, 1 mile in under 10 min with out stopping, can i have tips on that to? i can run a mile in 8 min. but i stop for like 5 seconds




  1. Just work your hardest and if it is a combined tryout, like with older girls trying out also, work with the older girls and when you make a mistake, just sheake it off don't dwell on it.  and if the rest of your team makes a mistake, then just lift thm up, like cheer for them say shake it off your fine get it next time, all that stuff and if you are messing up ask the xoch if you cnan have them come in early one day and have one on one time with them.  and when they  ask for volunteers, then always jump at the opportunity.  they will remember you and then that sohould get you brownie points!!

  2. Just try your hardest without standing. It's a team sport, so work as a team. Don't stop. Listen to the coaches. Make sure you show them you have the fundamentals down. And on the mile run if you start getting tired, just hum a song in your head. And if you stop it's harder to get back to the speed you were going. And you are more tired. So just keep at it. Good luck!


  3. work on those skills that you know need it.  they are probably looking for a team player, so don't try to stand out too much.  do your best for your team, not yourself.  try not be nervous, because that's what will mess you up more than anything.

  4. nice. im thanking about trying out for the soccer team maybe...i used to b one of the good ppl on my team wen i was little so maybe i cood do that sport in seventh grade but i dunno mr. vandusen is the coach and he like really scares me like really...its nawt the rumors but actually being w/ him in class and what i've actually seen...

  5. I'm just assuming that your skills are average or better so just keep practicing them.  Make sure that you hustle everywhere, if somebody shanks a ball off, run after it AS FAST AS YOU CAN and try to get a hand on it.  Also, shag balls you see lying around, and hustle them over and put them away, coaches love that.  So hustle.  Also keep a good positive attitude, tell yourself you can do it.  If you believe in yourself, impressing others will come easy.  Encourage others, give high fives, put ups and constructive criticism.  Call out the ball all the time "I got it," "Mine," "Free!"  And always keep a smile on your face :)

  6. i think the only thing u really can do is practice. practice makes perfect!! just work on ur skills everyday, thatz what i do. im trying to make the eighth grade team. well just keep practicing and good luck!!

  7. I believe that you already have had everything that could make you 1st draft at the try-out... for a 7th grade team.

    Try going to a local community center or a church gym and play some real games before you go to the try-out.

    For the 1-mile run, I would never run at a constant speed, so that if you can get it done in 8 min but you have to "stop" just for 5 seconds, you are pretty close to being perfect. Just try not to stop but to slow down a little bit from time to time, all "long distance" run needs to be completed that way. Start practicing now (middle-speed, fast, slow, middle, fast...), and you will be looking great at the try out.

    Have fun playing volleyball.

  8. well everyday start off practicing like 15 minutes  each on bumps spikes and sets! run 1 mile every 2 days or something to get better at running a mile under 10 minutes!!GOOD LUCK

  9. The thing that really impressed my coach was my hustle, even when the ball is like 50 feet away from me and dropping fast.  Also, the attitude about the game. No one wants to see a player that has no emotions. Another thing the might help is to show your coach that you can learn quickly or have the effort to. ;) Good luck anyways...

  10. Coaches look for hustle and attitude first.  The most important skill for a youth player is passing (bumping)...that is a fundamental skill.  They can mold you into everything else...helps to be tall too.

  11. #1 Grow Tall...

    #2 Learn to pass, it's the #1 underrated activity in volleyball. #3 If you can serve underhand 100% of the time, do so until you perfect your overhand serve. I would rather have a player serve underhand and get it in than a net serve 50% of the time time.

    #4 Keep a ball with you at all times, you can practice anywhere and anytime if you have a ball. Just pass and set it to yourself.

    #5 Clinics are ok, attend a couple. Then go play somewhere you see good volleyball. Ask a lot of questions and learn. Try a club team 1st where they teach you the fundamentals.

  12. you need to be really loud and talk alot while you are playing volleyball that doesnt mean to your friends but to the other players while yall scrimage or something

  13. attitude and put the team b4 urself

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