
I am a waitress at the hotel, if my customers walks out on their bill?

by  |  earlier

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is management allowed to take that amount out of my paycheck?




  1. No!  it's a crime like shoplifting, call the police and report it and make out a incident report and get the report number.

  2. No DEFINATELY not! They just count it as a lost but they get pretty pissed about it like it's your fault

  3. talk to your manger and difinlty report should not have to pay...if they  come in a again report it right away..

  4. I worked at a hotel, and I had a couple who racked up a $250.00 bill-- I mean they ordered sushi, a bottle of wine, dessert, steak, lobster, you name it, they had it. They both got up to use the restroom (they felt the need to tell me this for some reason?), and dashed out without paying the bill (it was a large restaurant with the restrooms close to the door). I was in tears when I went to my manager to tell them what had happened, and they had to review the dining experience on hidden camera's to make sure it was not my fault (ie. neglectful service) as to why they left, otherwise I would have to pay their bill. Luckily they agreed that I was not at fault, but logn story short, some places will make you pay if your customers walk out. Not many places will, thank goodness, but the rare few do. Luckily I quit that place soon after. :)

  5. No, they should find out who did it and contact the police.

  6. tell the manager, find out who it was, then have them prosecuted.

    that is illegal

  7. no that would not be very fair to u

  8. I 'm from Tennessee and here they are not allowed to take

    money out of your pay just because someone stiffed you on

    a check.If i were you i'd  make sure that your manager knows

    that you have no intention of paying for something that is out of

    your control.Maybe they should find a better way of collecting

    money for the bills such as pay before you get or pay bill at a

    door that is well watched.

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