
I am about to boil 13 eggs to be colored at my daughter's school...any tips?

by  |  earlier

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I had no idea this was in the radio catagory. Let's blame it on the hangover from last night!




  1. green

  2. Using a sewing needle put a tiny hole in each end of the egg. Hold the needle point side straight up with one hand and "pop" the egg down on the tip. You'll get the hang of it - BTW, I'm serious, this will keep the eggs from cracking. Put all in cool water in a pot. Bring to a boil and slowly boil for 15-20 minutes. Remove pot from stove, bring to sink and run cold water into the pot until all the hot water has been replaced (this keeps the eggs from overcooking).

    Some people put a little vinegar in the cooking water to keep the shell soft and this also prevents cracking. You can do both.

    Cooked eggs will be edible.

    What on earth is this question doing in radio?

    -a guy named duh

  3. Boy, when you're drunk you get 118 responses, and now we've come down to this.

    Drop them carefully into the boiling water, don't leave them in more than a few minutes.

    13? That means you have to buy two doz.!

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