
I am about to fill out some online registration form. Can you please tell me what I am supposed to fill for?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike duration and country for stamping of visa? Please see below ... does visa duration refer to the validity of my passport or the length of time I will to stay in Saudi? And what is it meant by Nearest Saudi Embassy?


Passport No. : *

Passport Expiry Date : *

Visa Duration : *

Country for Stamping of Visa :

Nearest Saudi embassy :




  1. Visa duration means the validity of the visa and not the passport.  Nearest Saudi Embassy means the Saudi Embassy nearest where you live to be able to apply for a visa thereat.

  2. passport number : (on the first page of your passport)

    expiration date: (first page also)

    visa duration:     (how will you be in the country of visit)

    contry for stamping of visa : country where you are

    nearest Saudi embassy : you must find the Saudi embassy in your country, which in turn will give you the closest consulate nearest your home)

    if you need help finding the Saudi embassy? come back to your question and i will come back here.

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