
I am about to get a good amount of money what is the best investment for return on my momey?

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I am about to get a good amount of money what is the best investment for return on my momey?




  1. Buy Silver Coins or bars by Engelhard if you can find them - in 15 years from now =spectacular results !

  2. roullette.. put it all on red..

  3. Without having more information about your personal information, such as age, current income and other data such as risk tolerance, martial status, and demographics it would be very inappropriate for me or any other person to provide specific investment information in this type of media

    There are many people just like you that are, or were looking to invest and those that did bought Mutual Funds and/or Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs).  One purpose of mutual funds is to help investors like you, who are either just entering the investment world or who have no investing experience.  Once you feel you at least have an understanding of investments you should look into ETFs which are similar to mutual funds but are traded on the exchanges.

    Mutual Fund companies as well as ETFs have an entire array of products many will fit your needs. You can go to the MSN.Money website  it has an entire section on mutual funds and Exchange Traded Funds.  Read about the various products and in doing so you will be getting investment ideas and at the same time educating yourself about investing.

    You could also contact the funds companies for more information.  I have found that Vanguard & Fidelity can meet your needs for mutual funds.  The service and information they provide is all free and you will find it helpful.

  4. When will you need that money?

    The best investment is a diversified portfolio of all or mostly index funds based on your financial goals/risk tolerance.

    The proper rules for investing:

    . Do not chase past returns. People that buy funds because they have done well in the past are doing exactly that.

    2. Do not market time. Market timing is buying based on your (or your newsletter, or your TV, or neighbor's) guess about what is going to happen in the future. Even if someone knows something, you've already missed the boat. The price already reflects what you just found out.

    3. Use index funds. Over time, index funds outperform actively managed funds, mostly because they do not have those high expense ratios. Some actively managed funds do beat their index, but the ones that do usually do not do so consistently. So why gamble? Use index funds. If you want to use a few actively managed funds, make sure that the costs are very low. Vanguard has some good ones.

    5. Diversify. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Own a mix of bonds, domestic equities (large, small and mid cap funds), an international fund and perhaps a REIT (Real Estate Investment Trust) and emerging market fund.  Four to six funds is all you need. Know your risk tolerance and set up an appropriate asset allocation. Rebalance as needed.  

    6. Consider taxes. Use the least tax efficient funds in your tax-deferred accounts and the most tax efficient funds in your taxable accounts.

    If you want to learn to do it right, go here:

    NEVER use a 'financial advisor':

  5. 50% on debt securities

    40% on equity investments

    10% for speculation

  6. stock market

  7. you may take a look at and put part of your funds there.

  8. It's just money.  Buy real estate, beer, and peanuts.

  9. Your divorce attorney should have those Answers for you, too?

    Right now.. the best thing to do, is to buy a house to live in... and/or simply buy CDs to pace yourself with inflation. The Market is waaaay too volatile (down 400pts on Friday) and this happens per midday, hours and will drive you crazy when your $$$ disappears (-- like gambling, invest only what you CAN actually LOSE!) Don't even buy Gold now, it's too high. Don't just keep in banks, because inflation is higher than bank savings rates -- but you CAN shop-around for CDs. Be conservative right now...

  10. Spend it on me - the return will be my eternal gratitude!

  11. mutual funds are usually the best.  you may also consider buying a home and renting it out.  you can probably get a really good deal on a house, just be sure to do your research or hire a good and honest Realtor...

  12. The higher the risk the higher the POTENTIAL return is. So chasing the best return of any recent investment is risky - The ways to reduce your risk is to diversify your investment and put time on your side.

    What is your goal? Need?. If it is to invest for retirement and that is a long way off then you want to have a decent percentage in equity (stock) mutual funds. I would recommend the Vanguard Star fund or Life Strategy Moderate Gowth. (They have about 60% in stocks and the rest in bonds or money markets). These are investments that provide potential for a good return over a long time.

    If you are looking to use it to buy a house in a few years then you don't want to invest you want to save. Buy some CD's or Vanguard Money Market Prine and don't risk your money.

    You mignt consider reading up on investments. I recommend The Bogleheads guide to investments. Watch out for get rich ideas - they make someone rich but probably not you!!

    Good Luck

  13. Let me suggest ... ever thought on money venture? ... or biz?

    When there is a WILL... well come on dear if you are that serious... i'll wait you.

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