
I am about to get braces now and what do i do because it looks like it hurts what should i do about it?

by Guest64218  |  earlier

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I am about to get braces what do i do it looks like it hurts alot what do i do please answer :]




  1. It doesn't hurt when the orthodontist puts your braces on it only hurts when they tighten them for about 3 days. Take a advil or something to take the pain away when it starts to hurt.   Good Luck!!!  

    P.S.  I hope you get to eat candy, I am getting mine for a second time on October 30 and there goes all the candy.  

  2. Don't worry it will hurt a little because the wires are tighten so your teeth will move. but it is so worth it I had brace for 3 years and now I have a perfect smile to show off.  

  3. don't worry it doesn't hurt. you'll feel pressure but that's normal. at first the braces may cut your lip inside, so ask for wax, put that on top of the bracket so it doesn't cut u. beauty is pain

  4. It is going to hurt the first couple of days. About 15-20 minutes before you go in to get them take an advil or tylenol or ibuprofen something like that to help ease the pain!!  

    After you get braces if your hungry its going to hurt really bad to eat [if you have a low pain tolerance it really depends on your pain tolerance] eat something like soup,broth,jello,ice cream. Just for the first couple of days or until it stops hurting eat soft foods you don't have to chew.

    Remember to clean your braces well and brush after every meal and at night too. maybe more depending on your ortho.and FLOSS!!! That is one of the keys in keeping yoru teeth clean and white while having braces. if you don't floss food can rot your teeth!!!

    Remember once you can eat hard food again:


    Whole Apples cut them into bite sized pieces.

    Sucking or chewing on Ice


    cut up carrots


  5. braces only hurt sum ppls teeth

    it depends how sensitive yuhr teeth

    are if yuhr teetth are sensitve then

    all yuh have todo is take ibuprofen

    or tylenol  but if yuhr teeth arent

    sensitve then they might hurt the

    first few times yuh eat because

    yuhr teeth & gums are jus gettin

    used to them.  

  6. It doesn't hurt to get your braces on at all, it just feels weird. The only thing that hurts when you have braces is a few hours after you get them on it hurts for a few days because your teeth are moving so you have to eat softer foods. Braces also hurt once a month when you go to the orthodontist and they tighten them. Then they hurt for a few days and so on. You have to eat softer foods. So you have absolutly nothing to worry about :)

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