
I am about to graduate andwith a associate in child development?

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i am thinking about opening up my own daycare but the people i ask say there is money in it but one of the lady who says it works where i work now so i was thinking if there is money why is she not doing it any more . is there money in opening up your daycare at home




  1. I don't know, I do know we don't get paid a lot in the teaching business of preschool nor day care. You will probably have to do some research in your area and find a good financial adviser. Mostly I think this type of job or business is because we enjoy seeing children learn and grow. Good luck!

  2. well i would think so if you have cousins younger then you are babysit them and then start puting flyers up saying that yiou are willing to babysit for ppl if you need to take a breack.

  3. Opening a center or a daycare home?  A HUGE difference.  Consider both.  Yes, it can be successful if  you do it correctly.  We went through the process of opening a center and the start-up costs were not feasible for us...however, I tend to have very high expectations for what I would be offering to the community.  Presently I do family child care...there isn't the overhead costs but there definately are costs involved...people forget about the hidden costs when they are working the figures.  I definately do not make a whole lot but considering what it would be to pay for child care for my own two children and the cost of driving anymore makes it worthwhile.

    As for that individual no longer choosing to own a day care or a family's definately not just the $$$ that makes one make that decision.  There is a LOT of time going into it... in education I have found that the good teacher is working much more than just during school hours and often they don't get paid for it.  Running a child care affects your whole family. In general...there's quite a bit of stress for the amount of money you make...but considering you chose to get your would already know that you will not be making that much $$$ in this field...we are in it because we love the children and have high regards for their education...understanding that early childhood education DOES make a difference.  Good luck in you decision making.

    Edit:  Oops!  Sorry I didn't "get" that last've already are thinking about home child care.  :-)

  4. Yes, there's money in it. But you have to run a good business.

    Check this out...

  5. Starting a school or day care is a LOT of work.  There's enough money to live with, but it's not a lot.  

    I don't know why the lady you work with is no longer in it.  Can be a variety of reasons.  It's not an easy job at all.


  6. My mum owns a preschool (I work there)-its a private setting for 2.6 to 4.11 year olds. We rent a room from a local primary doesnt really make a from fees goes towards staff, insurance, rent, equipment, refreshments etc...I think if you have the money to put into the business, have a good clientel, offer lots of services etc you can probably make money but most I know do it for the love of the job-which is good because they basically can only pay themselves minimum wage sometimes a little higher!

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