
I am about to teach preschool children art for the first time, does anyone have any first lesson ideas?

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I am about to teach preschool children art for the first time, does anyone have any first lesson ideas?




  1. I suggest signing up with ~ this website is, truly, amazing!   Although you needn't pay

    for the use of this, even a small $ amount

    will help a lot.  I just, a moment ago, typed

    art, preschool into their search box and decided to do (for me, age 70!) one of the first suggested:  mask-making.   Have fun and learn while doing it ~ if possible, please, post a reply.  Patt

  2. Art and pre school is all about experimentation. I would give them lots of different papers,tissue, sticky, wallpaper,etc, a large piece of sugar paper and pva glue and let them loose. It will take a few weeks before they actually start to make sense of what is expected. Please don't fall into the trap of giving them an example to follow this will stunt their imagination.

    model building is also great with tubs, cartons etc---no loo roll middles use foil middles and cut them into manageable sizes.

  3. think and work as u r a mother of children

  4. First of all: be sure you are teaching art and not crafts. Allow children to use materials creatively, without a lot of adult direction. Activities should always be open-ended. When you display their art, none of it should look the same. Never forget: it's the process, not the product.

    For preschoolers, many are being exposed to art supplies and materials for the first time. Teaching art to young children should involve exposing them to and familiarizing them with what we use to create art.

    The best thing to do is have a centre where art supplies are available at all times. Be sure it is well-stocked with glue, scissors, popsicle sticks, pipe cleaners, water color paints (the kind with all the colors in a plastic case that you mix with water), construction paper, other kinds of paper, recyclable materials (small cups, scrap paper, anything you can think of!), crayons, markers, etc.  When I taught, I had the painting easel set up daily.

    For a first lesson, you might want to just allow them free choice of materials. Observe what they use and what they do. Talk to them about how to use the materials appropriately by which I mean putting caps back on or guiding a child who has trouble holding the scissors.

    Are you familiar with Bev Bos? She has a wonderful philosophy about children and art. You might want to read her book "Don't Move the Muffin Tins."

    Mary Ann Kohl also has excellent resources for teaching art to young children. Her books are excellent (like Scribble Cookies or Preschool Art: It's the Process Not the Product), but she also has some free ideas on her website

    Meanwhile, here are some other excellent sources of information and inspiration:

  5. I totally agree with yourhonour. Kids need to be introduced to art materials FIRST before you start a lesson. All your first few lessons should focus on introducing one or two art utensils/mediums at a time. Here are three things to remember when planning an art activity:

    Creative Art should:

    * put an emphasis on process not product

    * put an emphasis on creative expression

    * have no cookie cutter end products

    A good idea is to introduce the kids to basic materials such as a pencil and crayon. Take the other materials like glue, scissors, and paint, and wrap them up like presents. Tell the kids that you can only all open the presents if they show they can follow directions with the pencil and crayons. If they do a good job (and they will, because they like presents) open the scissors the next week. If they do good there, open the glue, etc. Kids really like this and they feel motivated to work hard and follow your directions, no matter what art project you decide to do. Good luck!

  6. Since its a first lesson, a good idea would be to get them to draw a picture of themselves, and you can help write their names on it.  Then you guys could make picture frames on top of the paper, with popsicle sticks, puzzle pieces, bottle caps, whatever goes.  It would be a good craft to get to know the kids and something marvelous to take home and put on the fridge for the little kiddies.

  7. Why not start with Simon Says?

  8. Get the kids to draw shapes , circle , triangle , square , etc .

    Then cut out the shapes and teach them how to make pictures with them , ie a square with a triangle on top looks like a house .

    Add smaller squares and you have windows , a rectangle might make a chimney .

    Most kids will think your mad if you say they can draw a house , but if you trick them into doing it they will marvel at their own ability .

    Thus the concept of art is born and their imagination will do the rest .

    Little Johnny Rebel will soon work out that he can arrange the shapes to look like a dinosaur , and little rosy smiles will soon work out she can arrange the shapes to look like a flower .

    Hope this helps good luck .

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