
I am absolutely DRAINED!?

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Now, I know I need to take a test, but I would just like some reassurance, opinions, and other experiences. I have lately been a basket case...when I say lately, I mean within the last week or so. I am CONSTANTLY moody. I have felt bloated and nauseous for about the same length of time. I am hungry, but when I begin to eat, I'm over it and don't want to see the food. I am exhausted when normally I am a full-blown energizer bunny. The problem is that I missed a few pills in my first week of the active pills. I got back on them and I am not sure if it's a sign of pregnancy or if my cycle just got messed up from missing them. I missed the pills around August 6th and missed approximately 4-5...I can't even remember. I had unprotected s*x too, but a baby is not something I'm worried about. I would be THRILLED to be pregnant again, but I just want to know if anyone has experienced this. Like I said, I have been back on the pills for about 2.5 weeks now but missed those days prior to being back on the pack. My period is non-existent since being on BC, so my way of judging dates is completely screwed up. I took a few tests and they all came back negative. I'm guessing (if I had to) that my period would be in about 5-6 days from now going on what my schedule would be IF I had my period. Is there anyone out there who has any opinion on the matter? Is it too early to test or I am more than likely not pregnant? I know that's a lot to take in, but I'm just SO confused, lol. All I know is that something is SERIOUSLY not right with me and it hasn't been for about a week. It's driving me up a wall! When can I accurately test anyway? Do those negatives absolutely rule out pregnancy? AHHH! Thanks so much for the advice. I've gotten a lot of help from everyone here in my last pregnancy and I REALLY appreciate it :)




  1. If you're not due for your period for at least another 6 days, then it is too early to tell if you're pregnant or not.  Wait about 10 days and then go to the doctor for a pregnancy test.  The next time you miss that many pills, stop taking them until you get a period, and then start a new cycle.  

  2. I would stop taking the pill now just in case you are pregnant.  If you stop the pill your period should start within a few days (at least mine always did).  If this happens you know you are not pregnant.  However, if it doesn't start try taking another test.  if that comes out negative call the Dr.  Thee could be something else going on.  Your moodiness could be getting used to the pill.  I went through several pills before I found one that agreed with me.  

  3. It could possibly be from the fluctuation of hormones. But, you might just need to wait it out and then take a pregnancy test.

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