
I am addicted to my online friend!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I am very much addicted to my online friend. If I dont hear from him for some days I feel so sad, I want to get out of the situation, I tried cutting all contacts with him for more than a month, but still it didnt help me, I felt so sad all the more, How do I get over this? This is affecting my career. The worst part is he is not worth it. Need advices from people who had been in similar situations.




  1. i haven't been in a similar situation, but i think maybe you should talk to him about this, or try talk to other guys. this addiction may be from talking to him too much, try not to, and try not spending to much time on the pc. If he lives near, and you feel comfortable and trust him, then meet up with him. It is strange but all girls/women act differently towards guys, whether they like him or not.

    Try and give these a go

    good luck

  2. 1 computer + ebay = no more bad situation???

  3. you did well by cutting all contact for a month, could you not try again not to contact him, maybe have a holiday or take up a new hobby, i know it sounds cliche, and no one understands better than me what it's like to be addicted to someone, 23 years i have been addicted to George Peppard and he's dead and buried!!.Please don't take offence but are you happy with your life in general, i find my obsession with GP gets worse when i am down and depressed. maybe if you sort out areas of your life that are wrong you might just forget about him and move on. i hope in some small way i have helped :)

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