
I am addicted to ramen

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Hello, my name is Steve, and i am addicted to ramen noodles. I have tried almost every flavor your can imagine, and then some. And because of that, i am fearing for my health, ramen has very high sodium content, and i want to eat healthier. Ive tried different recipes, but none seem to satisfy my everlasting craving. It must be something in the powder, because the noodles arnt even that good. Does anyone have anything that can help me overcome my addiction......




  1. You only live once and being addicted to Ramen noodles is far less dangerous then being addicted to, say, cocaine. Eat your noodles, you will get sick of them eventually.  

  2. I couldn't help but laugh at your question.

    I know it seems silly, but you seem so serious, which you probably are.

    Now, you are right. It is not the noodles, but it is the powder.

    Every soup has that. It's probably the soup base, which has that little kick in it.

    My advice is to do it cold turkey style :D

    So if you eat five a-day, or how many ever...

    Follow this schedule:

    Monday: Eat 5

    Tuesday: Eat 5

    Wednesday: Eat 4

    Thursday: Eat 4

    Friday: Eat 3

    Friday: Eat 3

    Saturday: Eat 2

    Sunday: Eat 2

    Etc., etc., etc.

    Try to limit yourself, to eating 2-4 A WEEK.

    Also, try mixing in some vegetables in help, like back choy. And eat a lot of vegetables. Or at least drink V8 Fusion to get your daily vitamins and necessities, which I  drink, and it's SUPER good. But if the resolutions above do not work, I would see a therapist, OR turn off the water, and throw away the ramen, like everyone else suggested.

    Good luck, and hope I've helped(:

  3. I wouldn't normally respond to a filthy addict, but I'll make an exception for you, because you sound so pathetic.

    Hi, my name is Natalie, and I'm going to help you with your addiction.

    Pick your favorite ramen flavor(s), and get a bunch of it.  Then, instead of eating the empty and dangerous ramen by itself, take just the flavor packets and put them on other foods you enjoy.  Try it on sandwiches, eggs, oranges, and ice cream - really any foods you normally like (besides ramen, of course).  Every week, gradually reduce the amount of flavor powder you use.  Eventually, you'll be enjoying normal foods just like normal people.  Don't be tempted to make yourself a nice, big, delicious bowl of ramen, though - you'll fall off the wagon (literally and figuratively)! :D

  4. You could try this.

    Most of the sodium is from the packet flavoring. By making your own broth you could help lose a lot of that, and just boil the noodles like you normally would, strain them and add your own broth. It's not that hard to make, and much fresher tasting than the packet.

    Just take raw pork/chicken bones, fresh ginger chunks, napa cabbage, bok choy, leeks, and your own choice of seasoning.

    Boil it, strain it, keep the broth, keep the stuff left over, too. It's great as a separate soup if you add more water to it.

    Good luck, lol. I love making fresh ramen, and most of the ingredents can be found in most walmarts.

  5. it tastes good so thats fine

  6. Try only using 3/4 of a packet, then 1/2 a packet of the seasoning. Also, for other foods, try to eat stuff with less sodium so it balances everything out. You could also try eating less ramen every meal, like only half a portion that way you have it twice a day, or having a whole portion and eating it once a day.

  7. I would rather dive into a swimming pool full of warm vomit than be addicted to Ramen Noodles.

    Throw them all out, and go grocery shopping for some real food.  8/9

    You could also try this:

    Empty the flavor packets on a mirror, and divide it into little lines with a razorblade.Next, roll up a $20 dollar bill and snort the stuff up your nose!

  8. Haaa. Ramen Noodles are the best. I love the chicken and beef flavors(:

    Well its a good thing your admitting it. Try to balance it out with lots of water. Or don't use all of the sauce mix.

  9. Admitting you have a problem is the first step in overcoming it.  Now step away from the noodles, toss out all your saucepans, and shut off the water.

  10. Throw everything away that is Ramen. Stay away from noodles period. And if you feel like buying it at the store, run,run,run past the isle so you don't buy more.
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