
I am adopted how can I find out my birth name?

by  |  earlier

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I live in the state of nevada.




  1. As your foster parents to find out!

  2. Dear Amara, first of all I would thank them both for all they have done for you: they will appreciate.

    Then, ask them that you would like to know more about your roots. I am pretty sure they will understand you BUT first of all you have to assure them that you will never forget what they have done for you.

    Please let me posted. I will appreciate. Ciao and I wish you all the best!

  3. oh i'm sorry to hear that but i got a solution first u ask your foster mother to see if u can find your birth parents then if she says yes then ask her for your birth certificate or stuff that came from the hospital then look for your birth mothers name well it should have  your birth mother and father signature then go to city hall and ask then if they have info on that name. if they do ask for the address  and go their w/ your foster mother just in case or if they have a phone # ask for both .

    i saw all this on the true life were kids were lookin for their birth parents hope this HELPS!!! good luck and have a nice life

  4. ask your foster rents

  5. Possible  Soc  Security  records. My  son  was  adopted  to my second  husband  and  I have  paper  with  first  soc  sec  name  and  second soc  secity name on  one  form. Im  not  sure if you are  underage  how  to get  that information but  start  by  requesting  Soc  Sec  number  proof,  then  perhaps  go to  Vital  Satistcs  and  ask  for  copy birth  cert.  Also  books at  libraries  give  instrutions  about  this,  usually in search  of  missing  persons.  Good  Luck,  keep trying.  *mamatx

  6. get a copy of your birth certificate

  7. Unfortunately when kids are adopted often adoptive parents change their names to protect the kids. It is almost near impossible to find out about your birth name as it is keep anonymous and foster homes will never give up info without a court order.

  8. If your parents don't give you the documents and you are over 18 I believe you are allowed to speak with the hospital. I am not sure if it is true with all states.

    You should have much documentation, try finding that or convincing your parents to show it to you. Don't hide it from them, don't make them defensive, just be chill and give them your motives.

    Best of luck!

  9. ask your foster parents

  10. Your "parent" should know! They went through a mighty adoption process if they got you as a baby!!

  11. Ask yoru foster parents, if they don't know, hire a detective... I'm serious too, people DO hire detectives to find their birth parents!

  12. Look at all the idiots on here calling your ADOPTIVE parents FOSTER parents.  They are NOT foster parents.  They adopted you.  They are your parents by law.  Foster parents are not legal parents.

  13. ask your mom.... and see who your real mom is then go vist her...

  14. Ask your foster parents.

  15. ask your adoption parents.. thats the best way.

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