I am 14 years old, I am going to be a freshmen. I have never gone to a public school thats HUGE! I have been to 3 schools in my life, a charter public school, a private 3 day a week school, and a regular private school, it was pretty big but I was in 5th grade and more than half of my classes were in the same room. I home schooled this year and it was really easy obviously. So basically i am a little afraid of going to a high school, when the last time I went to a big school was 5th grade. I am mostly afraid of small things, like on the bus what if I have to move and I don't like fighting, what if I cant find a seat or someone says no when I sit next to them. And the same thing at lunch, or if I cant find a class or get there late, or someone tells me to go the wrong way. I am also afraid that I will get beat up alot, because I am very shy and I wear eyeliner and tight clothes and I have the emo look. I look the way I do for a reason but I don't wanna get hurt because of it, will I?