
I am afraid?

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Hi, i feel afraid without any reason, my fear let me worried all the day, and afraid of Rises, what can i do, thanks




  1. What is Rises?

  2. This could be spurring from a past life. I have read into hypnotherapy and past life regression a lot, and I plan to get a degree in Hypnotherapy.

    Self-hypnosis is as old as well for lack of a better word, something very, very old. Only it hasn't always been called hypnosis. Every religion has its own version of self-hypnosis, and its around when your even driving on the highway (highway hypnosis). Anyway, your local library should have a book on hypnosis, and if they don't then they can always do an interlibrary loan.

    Basically all you need to do is sit in a calm, relaxed environment. Sit where you wont be interrupted (you can sit in a wooden chair [90 degree angle], lay down on the floor or a bed [i prefer this method, some don't like it because you can fall asleep easier, its the same position as when you are about to fall asleep]. Try a variety of positions before you settle on one.

    Then when you are ready, just sit/lay in the desired position and just let go, drift off to wherever you want. You could either try exploring the past life that is causing this or you could try and help yourself by thinking positive thoughts like "I will not let this fear take over my life," "I will no longer have this fear," there should be a section in the book that deals with fears.

    Try these websites/books: (Carol Bowman- Past Life Researcher's personal forum. One of the largest forums on Past Life Regression) (Roger Woolger- PL Researcher) (Info to hypnotize yourself)

    Healing your past lives: exploring the many lives of the soul By Dr. Roger Woolger  *Very entertaining and informative

    Childrens' past lives by Carol Bowman

    Return from Heaven by Carol Bowman

    New Age Hypnosis by Bruce Goldberg

    Good luck!

  3. I get really afraid of...mostly nothing.  Its worse when im tired.  I get a lot of thoughts in my head...bad thoughts.  It gets even worse when im bored.  Because then I cant keep my mind of the bad flowing through my head and I start getting scared and freak out.  What you need to do is find out what is it that your afraid of, and think about it.  Ex:I feel like im going to be fired...are you really?  Is there anything you did to get you fired?  Ex 2:Im gonna fail my test...are you?  Did you study, do you feel you truly know what your doing?  Ex 3: I feel like my partner is going to leave me...why do you feel like that?  Have they done anything to make you feel so?  A lot of the time, your worries are provoked by small things that we naturally blow way out of proportion.  Thats why its also really helpful to find someone you can open up to (actually more than 1 person, cause if that one person is kind of screwed).  Im not talking bout a shrink...but it could be.  It could be a loved one, friend, family, w/e.  Most of the time when you get it out there and someone talks to you about realize how it was all nothing.  You can also write it down and read it outloud...same idea, different way.  When you get scared, find a hobby.  Something to also get your mind off of it.  Sing, play video games, turn all the lights on...etc.


  4. Sounds like you are struggling with anxiety. Professional help is a good idea but I would not recommend medicating unless you really can't function.

    I can make some suggestions and I hope that they are helpful. First, acknowledge your fears, even if they seem irrational to some people, you feel them. Acknowledge them because burying them will just build up pressure behind them. If you need to place the iron on the stove every time you leave the house just so you feel better more confident that your house will not burn down, do it. It does not hurt anyone.

    If you fear that someone will break into your house and hurt you. Spend some time figuring out exactly how they would have to do it and exactly what you can do to reduce the possibility and what you could do to protect yourself if it really happened. Then you will know exactly which parts of your fear are valid and which ones are humanly impossible. The unreasonable ones will start to dissapate over time as you discover for yourself that some can not happen and you can take comfort in doing what you can to prevent the others.

    Feel the fear and live anyway. When you have intense fear and you feel like you are going to die all the time, it is easy to stop living life fully and doing the things you enjoy. Then life can become pretty unbearable.

    Decide what kind of life you want to live and live it. This does not mean taking unnecessary risks. It just means doing what you can to keep yourself realistically safe and living life even when you are in a panic.

    Your body may be going into a panic response and leaving you feeling like you are going to die but if you are truly in a safe place and not in immediate danger. Carry on do what you need to do. It is possible to feel one way and act another. The more you are able to live your life, the less the anxiety will take over.

    I have learned to continue to do my day's work right through a panic attack. I acknowledge that I feel panicked but I also realize that there is more danger to me if I lose my job than there is from any of the worries floating around in my head. I just focus through the panic and so my job and after a while the panic has subsided and nothing bad happened and I still have a job and no one even knew I was having a problem. Eventually, this gets easier.

    Good luck

  5. Some times being afraid needs a lot of courage, when you face up to your fears

  6. Whenever i am afraid i think of jokes or very funny scenes in movies. It cheers me up and i forget my fear. Hope this helps.
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