
I am afraid to get close to people

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i am sad to say that like the cliche, i am afraid to get close to people. i dont know why, but whenever someone starts talking to me a lot or if someone invites me over to do something with them, i get pretty uncomfortable and start noticing small things that make me hate that person. i guess its because i have been really lonely in the past and have sort of forgotten social etiquette, so when i get into social situations, i start to get uncomfortable, because im not sure what im supposed to say or do. and because of this, i think i avoid social situations. can anyone help me with this problem i face?




  1. hate 2 say it but...


  2. Well, think about how being social can help you in the future. Being uncomfortable is just because you probably don't know them all that well. Maybe you should try to get to know them more and you'd feel better. Hang out with them as long as they are good respectable people.

  3. i used to be like this .i am still some what am but you do this because you are afraid of rejection and you are thinking of why you hate them because they put you out of your comfort zone by talking to you .if someone ask you to sit with them i would do it .that can help you pluse they probably like you as a friend .

  4. Try some Paxil....seriously.

  5. Your just a shy person. Nothing wrong with that

  6. Everybody has little things wrong with them.  Wait until you find something big wrong with them before you write them off.

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