
I am all sore from practice?

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well obviously i havent been working out for a while, and yes its time for volleyball ! im on vars and im going into my sofmore year so they work us twice as hard. its currently conditioning and school starts next week. i am so sore i cant walk or sit on the darn toilet. i neeed help. what can i do to relieve the soreness ? NO STUPID ANSWERS !




  1. Take a very warm bath in Epsom salt (purchase at drugstore) and then after putting on clothes, stretch while your muscles are warmed up from the bath. Stretch for 15-20 minutes. Good luck.

  2. well stretch before and AFTER every practice because that will definitely minimize muscle ache......and when you get home you take a hot bath......but basically lots of stretching...on weekends keep the work out to a minimal....walking or jogging and if you can manage basic conditioning exercises

  3. Before ur do practice STRECH and if u still hurt the end of practice then u know that u need to stretch more and harder.....and to relieve soreness u have know...try heat and cold patches and put those on the joints of ur body and they will effect the whole body....

  4. either ice bath. thats wear u take your bath tub and make it super cold and sit in there for 15 mins the after words ice any other parts of your body that still feel sore. after all this take a nice warm shower. this will help you a whole lot!

  5. hot showers always help.

    if you can try to get a massage and if it gets really bad talk to the trainer or take some days off.

    hot baths with epsome salt seem to help too.

    watch it with the ice though... it may cause more soreness and tightening..

  6. i get som1 2 rub my legs and shoulders and stretch a whole bunch bfore and after practice it helps a lot i just started volleyball

  7. stretching helps before and after practise and games!!!

    Good luck!!! my cuz's play vball

  8. Well I'am not too busy and have soft hands.....

    I guess thats a stupid answer?

    Try rubbing down with Icey/hot or Ben g*y. But like I said I'm not too busy.... :-)

  9. 1) stretch

    2) if you can, try and get your hands on those home massage machines. That's what i do for soccer and for volleyball. It feels really nice afterwards...

    3) Ice- I'm not so sure about. It may or may not alleviate the soreness. O_o Heat should work though...

    4) Don't know about baths. I steam up the bathroom by using hot water and so when I come out, it feels relaxing. :)

    5) Don't know what else to say. My friend was sore from her vball camp, but I kinda just uh hung up on her. hahaha

  10. ice or heat

  11. get an ice or heating pad take pain relief medcine! that will deff help!

  12. i had that too i started up last week and i know how it is!! what i did (it might take like 2-3 days to go away) but keep rubbing it, dont like pound on it, but rub it and another great way is to hop in the shower and to turn the shower head to the part of your body that hurts, like if its in between your shoulders, bend over and let the hot water be on your back for a few minutes! and if your legs hurt, take a slow jog around your neighborhood or a long walk, it stretches your legs but gets the pain to go away because it sorta relaxes the muscle! i hope one of these worked for you, cuz they helped me!

  13. Sore from practice..

    Ah yes.. the pain from those practices.  The pain is telling your body to wake up.  Increased blood flow to the muscles that have not been used in awhile have been expanded and inflamed.  While ice or heat to an appropriate area is good and will provide some immediate help, I'd recommend some type of Asprin or even Aleve.  Naturally, make sure your parents are aware of the medication you are taking and the amount.  

    Ice an heat work from the outside in.  Asprin or Aleve works from the inside out.

    I also recommend this to my volleyball team:  It's important to stretch to increase your flexibility and avoid injury.  But.. stretch lightly before practice, but complete a rigorous stretching routine after practice.  It takes some discipline to do this, because most VB players are really tired after a good practice.  Stretching after allows you to expand the muscles that have had blood going to them for the past 1-2 hours.  Plus it slows your heart rate down before hitting the locker room!

    Best of luck!

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