
I am allowed to bring my golf club (driver) with me on an airline flight?

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I am allowed to bring my golf club (driver) with me on an airline flight?




  1. if you check it you can. you cannot carry that on

  2. You cannot carry on a club or set of clubs. If you have a full set, you need to get a travel case and check it into luggage. If you're taking a single club, the best thing to do is to bubble wrap it and stick it in a tube, then ship it (insured) with Fedex to where ever you're going.

  3. May be not in the passenger compartment. I'm sure they let you load it under the plane along with you luggage. May be golf club can be used as weapon!

  4. you need a travel case for clubs

    i saw some guy with one at jfk

    they could consider it a weapon or something

  5. You can't take it on the airplane

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