
I am allowed to ride my mountain bike on the edge of a farm?

by Guest64250  |  earlier

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I want to ride in the dirt to avoid cars but I do not want to anger farm owners. Is it okay if I ride in the dirt on the edge of their property?




  1. Good for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  2. yes..but don't run into a bull with big horns

  3. why dont you find who owns the land and simply ask them for permission, they will think highly of you if you do that if they say no then respect that if they say yes then they know whats going on and they probably not give you any trouble. whenever someone asks me for permission to do anything on our place it shows that they respect me and our land

  4. How far off the pavement are you?

    If it's less than 2-5 feet, the county has an easement.

    If you have to get off the pavement to avoid being hit, that's obviously ok. (Death trumps tresspass.)

    If you drive past a dozen farms, it doesn't make sense to ask permission. Imagine what happens if 300 people a year ask permission of 12 farmers, to be 2 feet off the pavement. Nightmare.

    Other than all the above, the other answers apply.

  5. I'm pretty sure that's okay as long as you aren't actually on their property and take care i.e don't scare the farm animals or run over crops

    but yeah, i don't see why not :)

    tis good to see that you're considering the farmers tho, I'm a country girl and too many people just don't bother to think :) x

  6. It probably depends on what type of riding you are doing with your mountain bike.  Are you just passing through or are you trying to be more adventorous?  You will win big favors by giving the people notice of what you are doing.  Landowners have liabilities issues to deal with and that will raise a concern.

  7. I'm a small farmer.  I would like to have someone come and ASK me.  

    I'm friendly and easy to get along with.  I'm going to give you permission to ride along certain areas, but possibly not others.  

    Why?  I have Great Pyrenees guarding my goat herd.   I had a young man thrown from his horse in front of my farm, because he galloped by.  My Great Pyrenees saw the horse and rider as a threat to their goats, and rushed the fence, sounding like grizzly bears.  The horse spooked and pitched the rider (unharmed fortunatly).

    Farmers may not want you to ride in areas that have just been sprayed with a chemical.  Farmers may have had trouble with "enviromentalist" in the past and may not give you permission.  Farmers may be worried about people following you, but not being respectful, and ruining crops.  Farmers may be worried you might injure yourself and sue them.  They might give you permission, unless they are working harvest.  Some of that harvest equipment is real hard to see properly around....they wouldn't want to "harvest" you!

    I'm giving you reasons why farmers might say no.  I hope you'll be understand if they do....they've probably had a bad experience.

    Just ask them....most are pretty friendly, even if they are rough around the edges.


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

  8. Don't you dare hurt the dogs and gust get along now

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