
I am almost 14 and i get home-schooled i was wondering where i can get some job experience ?

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around the north side of brisbane




  1. I can't answer to that. I think you should pursue learning something and getting experience at something you enjoy.

    I don't really advocate getting jobs..not because I'm a freak for formal education., because jobs set you up for a lifetime of chasing dreams and never seeing them materialize.

    see if entrepreneurship is for you. And study everything you can find on finance, Time Value of Money, and cash flow.  Google that stuff-  then look into reading a book called Richdad/PoorDad  by Robert Kiyosaki it will change you mind,  about jobs and working for money,   for ever.

  2. Try babysitting or housekeeping (going to people's place of living and cleaning up), light gardening/landscaping (mowing lawns, planting flowers, etc.) dog walking. There's all sorts of things out there for younginz :)

  3. If you mean like visiting facilities like schools do on field trips, you're pretty much screwed. I suggest finding put what your interests are first, hopefully they are not fast food related. Bluh. When it comes to asking this sort of thing, it's really your job to find out frankly.

  4. Try getting a job with your parents or relative

    Its usually automatic in.

  5. Volunteeer at the SPCA, an old age home, food bank, or another local place such as that

  6. don't know your area, but generally volunteering at a hospital (think candy-striper), or some other charity is a great palce to get work experience for your resume.   Can also take a baby sitting course (they often have them at community centres or at junior high schools), and then babysit in your neighbourhood -- most moms are thrilled to find a good local babysitter so they can enjoy the odd evening out.  

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