
I am almost 19 weeks. baby movement question?

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when will people be able to feel my baby move from the outside? i feel it move all the time and i tell my boyfriend to run over and feel and he still can't feel it!! how soon did you guys have success in outer movement??




  1. I could feel my baby move from the outside at 19 weeks, but my husband didn't get to feel it until 24 weeks, and my mum didn't get to feel it until this week (28 weeks).

    It took me a while to figure out what was happening- I could see my stomach moving, so I'd tell my husband to put his hand there, and sure enough she'd go completely still. It turns out she stops moving whenever I speak (which is kind of cute). The only way people can feel her is if none of us say anything and I just grab their hand and put it on there- it's like a little baby ambush. LOL.

    The other thing is, my baby moves more if I lie on my back for a little while. She goes crazy if I do this yoga move where you lie on your back and bend your legs up, then lift your hips up while leaving your shoulders on the ground. Hold that for about thirty seconds. That's how my husband felt her in the end- I did the yoga move, then planted his hand as soon as I lay down, and she kicked him twice, really hard.

  2. I think with each of mine, it was sometime between 24-28 weeks when my husband could start feeling the movement.

  3. I'm exactly 19 weeks pregnant too and I've been having this same problem... I can feel the baby but no one else can BUT then last night the baby has gone into super mode and moving constantly and now today you can not only feel the baby from the outside but you can also see my belly moving when he moves. It's just funny because 2 days ago this wasn't possible... soon everyone will be feeling your baby move :)

  4. My husband was able to feel the baby at 22 weeks.  I'm almost 24 weeks now and he can feel it pretty much all the time now.

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