
I am almost 20,in a stable relationship, and both have decent jobs.i really want to have a baby,is this wrong?

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I am almost 20,in a stable relationship, and both have decent jobs.i really want to have a baby,is this wrong?




  1. no it's not wrong it's completely normal to feel this way so don't worry if you want to have kids and your ready then go for it there shouldn't be anything stopping you more power to you good luck ^^ x*x LOL!

  2. I am 20 years old and have a 17 month old.  I will tell you as long as you are sure... it's not wrong at all.  There's nothing wrong with wanting to be a mom... h**l I wanted to since forever then we decided when I was 18 to have one.  My hubby and I have been together for 4 1/2 years.  

    On the flip side though... if you hang out with your friends alot or have dreams to do any travelling or anything in the near future.... I would recommend doing some of that first.  We used to have parties at our house alot and once we had Lilly it was a big change but we don't regret it.  Just make sure you're willing to give up most of your free time for a while.  But after a bit if you're lucky like me... you'll have friends that will love to do things with both you and your child like go to the park or walks.  

    In a nutshell... if it's what you want... go for it lol

  3. go for it


    I am almost 21 and expecting #2. We've been together since 16. Im a stay at home mom and my husband does not make good money. But guess what!! we couldn't be happier with our little family. The little words " mommy, I love you" makes a hard day worth it.

  5. Not at all. im almost 20 and me and my fiance have an 10 month old son. we have our own home our own vehicle pay our own bills. age is just a number. a 35 year old could be a worse parent than a 15 year old or 25 year old. age doesnt determine how good of a parent you are going to be. so I say go for it. its easier to get preganant when your younger anyway dont wait until its too late.

  6. decent jobs? Would you be able to support the child and not have to live in a trailer and drive a 20 year old car? would you be able to pay all of the expences? would you be able to stay at home for at least 7 years to raise the child while your husband brings home the cash? will you be able to afford a college fund and a car for the child when they are in high school? just answer all of these questions and then decide if you are financially ready. since your only 20, are you getting a college degree or just working to survive? if you are not getting a degree, it will be tough and you will probably be poor for the rest of your life. just some things to think about.

  7. Is it wrong?  No.  Should you wait?  YES!!  Ask yourself why you want a baby.  So much does depend on YOU and YOUR PARTNER.  How are you guys---emotionally, financially.   Stable?  What does that mean?  Are you in love?  Does he want marriage?  A baby?  What you think decent job is?  Where are you living?  Renting, buying a house?  What can you afford?  Are you going to college?  Bills?  Where do you see yourself 2-5-10 yrs from now?  Let me just say--I am glad I didn't have children at 20 with my then boyfriend.  There's so much more out there yet to do.....

  8. being married might be a little better, but for the most part I would say have a baby, when you know you are stable enough and want one.

  9. If married then I would say yes. It is great to have a baby when you are younger. You can enjoy your bundle of joy. If not married then I would say no. It is so complicated when not married.

  10. there is a reason it takes two to make a baby.  it takes two

    to raise one.

    if either of you is not ready for the commitment of marriage,

    you are not ready for the larger commitment of raising a


    i counseled my children even after marriage to not have a

    baby until they had done all the things they really wanted to

    do because once you start a family the child or children

    should be your first consideration at all times.  

    a child has no control over it's home situation, but you do

    so before making a baby, get all your other ducks in a row.

  11. I guess it depends who you talk to.  I personally think children should be planned after the wedding.  I think children should be born after a man and a woman have made a commitment to each other to live as one in the unity of marriage.  But that is just me and my beliefs.

  12. No, not wrong. People who believe in s*x after marriage would look down on it, but other's wouldn't.

  13. it's wrong to have a baby at 15 but at your age and since u 2 have have jobs i say go for it but the yearly costs for being a parent is around $18,000.

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