
I am almost 21 yrs old and I still have an 11 p.m. curfew, how can I get my parents to loosen up?

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They also keep me from spending time with friends and going out with my bf, we get 6 hrs/week together, I pay for my own stuff and I am only here when not at school so I was just hoping to get a little consideration from them...




  1. Tell them that your an adult now and that you want more freedom.

  2. get out da house....

  3. MOVE OUT! I think it's time you start to roll

  4. Move out...legally they can't make you be home at 11 anyways and they can't kick you out because you are an adult living there so they would have to evict you but it would just be better if you move out so you can live your own life.

  5. um MOVE OUT

  6. I went through this too.  My last year of college I was student teaching so I moved back home to save some money since I has to quit my job.  My old high school rules went back into effect.  I had been out on my own for 3 years so it took a little getting used to.  Unfortunately your parents have the right to do that since you are still under their roof but you can always try talking to them.  Let them know you are responsible or better yet prove it.  I think parents sometimes forget our age and when we come back they feel they need to assume the same role and rules that once were.  Good luck.  To be honest mine never changed til I got married at 22.

  7. time to grow up and take responsibility for your own life.  Move out of the house if you don't like their rules.

    but if you like them looking after you then you'll just have to live by their rules.

  8. Thier roof, thier rules.  No matter how old you are as long as you are living under their roof you play by thier rules.

    They are paying not only for your college and car but to put a roof over you head, food in you belly and you mind filled with delicious information from the interweb.  

    talk to them, offer to get a job maybe pay some rent, pick up some of you responsibilities like car payments or tuition in exchange for a little more freedom.

    What I am getting at is if you act more like an adult they may be more willing to treat you as one.

  9. im sorry but thats sad 21 living with parents 19 and i just moved out...ha.....seriously your an adult now you can do what ever you want and you need to tell your paents thet you not a child anymore..and that they cant boss you around.....

  10. Move out or stay home and break the rules. They can't enforce them anyway.

  11. Move out, you idiot. Lol.

  12. Your an adult now...they can't punish you for being late..and they are your parents they should be willing to help put with school and what ever else as much as they can.

  13. Move out.

    wow. it surprises me how dumb this question was.

  14. wow! that sucks! i'm 13 and i can stay out later than that! you are 21! set your own curfew or move out with a friend!

  15. Get your own apt..

    then no more rules..

  16. If you are still living in their house then you still have to go by their or not... If they want you in by a certain time then you should be adult enough to respect that.

    If you do not want a curfew then you should move out and get your own place...therefore you make your own rules and decide when you get home and when you don't

  17. well, rule of thumb is "My house, my rules"

    But i think you should sit down and have an adult conversation with them and tell them you're legally an adult and you think you should be able to stay out later. Offer to call them and check in at 11 and give them an estimate of what time you'll be home. Remember not to be all whiny and stuff, because you ARE an adult and this needs to be settled like an adult.

  18. Umm get a job and move out..? I am 22 and married and due to give birth and we own our own house and I have been through college...No offense but you shouldn't be complaining about a curfew if you are 21 it is kind of funny but you live with your parents you go by their rules right...Get out if you want that to change lol

  19. I am sure your parents just want to be sure you get enough rest for work/school. Under their roof you need to abide by their rules or move and get your own place. Goodluck!

  20. just get on ther nerves and bring a guy over and just play it cool,like even tho ther at home just invite ur boi over and yall watch a movie or sumpting.and thatl itch it on for them.maybe thel loosen up knowing that them being to hard,it dont bother u...

  21. Move out and you can stay out as long as you want

  22. u want more independence......MOVE OUT. its thier home and u live live there so its thier rules u go by!!

  23. maybe....move out?!?!?!

    if you live with your parents you follow their rules

  24. As long as you live in their house and they pay the bills you should obey by their rules. If you can afford it, move out, but only if you can afford it. It's not easy to make it on your own. Good luck.

  25. assuming your in school and work part-time... ask that they respect your age. thank them for raising a wonderful, independent child. ask them if they would consider changing the rules if you agree to pay rent. consider 50$ per week. write out an agreement that you all agree on, sign it, have them sign.

    done deal.

    now, if you dont go to school, you should be working full time.

    if you dont go to school, or work... you're lucky the curfew is not 9:30

  26. Easy!Geta job and a place of your own THEN you can do whatever you like.As long as you live under THEIR roof they have the RIGHT to make and enforce ANY rules they wish.

  27. Move out of their house?

    If you aren't in their house, then they can't give you a curfew.

  28. watt!!!!!! don't listen to them you shoulda stoped wen u wur 18...

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