
I am almost 39 weeks, how much castor oil is effective to begin active labor? ?

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I am already 3 cm dilated 75 percent effaced and the baby's head is at a -1 in positioning. I have been in early labor for a week and a half and nothing will progress. I don't have anyone that to be sexually active with so that is out of the question. I have tried rasberry tea, walking. I need some help??




  1. Your body will go into full labour when it's ready-castor oil will give you the runs which is the last thing you want if you go into labour!

    Try spicy food, long walks and tweaking your nipples. You'll get there!

  2. Castor oil

    For decades, women have been using castor oil to help induce labor. In fact, many old school physicians and midwives swear by it. It can provide good results if you are already in early labor. It is believed to work by causing spasms in the intestines, which surround the uterus toward the end of pregnancy. These spasms, in turn, cause the uterus to cramp, which might result in labor.

    You can take 1 to 4 ounces of castor oil mixed with 6 ounces of orange juice to cut its oiliness. You'll want to drink it quickly because of the unpleasant taste. Some practitioners suggest taking a single dose; others suggest repeated doses depending on your response. Keep in mind that castor oil usually will cause your bowels to empty within about three hours. With luck, soon after that, you will be in true labor.

  3. There is no amount that will bring on labor if you weren't going into it on your own anyway. Perhaps when you are considering taking a medication not intended for labor induction, you should consult with your physician or midwife. If they condone using this method, they can tell you how much to use safely.

  4. it sounds like you are well on your way - if my advice as a stranger who has tried it before means ANYTHING to you - DON'T try Castor oil!!!

    Hang in there!  Best wishes!

  5. Where is the child's father? s*x is what would usually get you going. The docs might have to induce your labor.

  6. It very well may work. It did for me.  But you have not been in early labour for weeks because you would have had the baby by now.

  7. You should never try to put yourself into labor!!!! The baby will come when he/she is good and ready.  The only thing that has ever been proven to induce labor is nipple stimulation for more than 3 hours but they do not recommend doing that because it forces your boddy into extreme and painful contractions much more so than normal.....Just wait, it can't be that much longer.  

  8. Have you tried using Evening Primrose Oil as a cervical suppository or doing any nipple stimulation.  These two things work much better and have fewer side effects if any.  Good luck.

  9. I think i mixed about 1/2 a cup with some pineapple juice (absolutely disgusting!!!) and went into labor the next day. Keep in mind though that you will be in the bathroom all day! It works, but at a price!

  10. My doctor actually told me that taking castor oil is terrible way to induce labor and doesnt do anything more than make you feel miserable and dehydrated, which is actually dangerous. I would keep trying the walking and if the baby isnt coming, then it just isnt ready to come out. He/she will come in their own sweet time :) Congratulations, I bet youre excited!

  11. I am 37 weeks pregnant and took caster oil this afternoon at 12. I started having little contractions around 1 then the runs about 12. around 2 I started getting stronger contractions...And they continue to get stronger. So hopefully it will continue to work for me. I'll let you know and good luck with your little one!

  12. Like raspberry tea, s*x, and walking, castor oil is one of those things that may or may not bring on labor. None of these methods guarantee anything. My suggestion to you (and I know it sucks to hear this) is to just try and relax and wait it out. Trying to help your labor along by doing all of those things is only going to make you more tense and anxious. Because, honestly, most of that stuff does not do anything. Plus from what I've heard castor oil tastes horrible. You're very close, just give it some time.

  13. what does your mid wife say? or your doctor?

    babies usually know when they are ready have you had a quite chat with your baby and your body? Now is the time to be very in tune with your self. you could ask Dr OZ on Oprah. go to her web site.

  14. You don't want to use too much castor oil about like a teaspoon.  Also you don't have to have someone to be sexually active with.  Try stimulating yourself.  The o****m is what will cause the contractions.

  15. Please stop. You can not make the baby come before it is ready. I know this from experience. With my second pregnancy I was trying to avoid a second c-section. I was told that if I didn't go into labor before my due date or shortly after I had to have another c-section. I really did not want this so starting at 38 weeks and each day until I was 5 days overdue I tried everything.  I too had steady contractions for days and was even monitored the day of my c-section for 4 hours and yes they were contractions. I was just making too slow of progress. Prior to this, you name it we did it. s*x, did nothing. We did it everyday so don't worry about that one.  Primrose, enemas, walking for hours a day, nipple stimulation, none of it did a thing. I didn't do the castor oil because I heard it could be unsafe and didn't work anyways. With all the trying all that I accomplished during those last 2 1/2 weeks was making my life miserable. It did not help at all. Ended up with another c-section and when it was over I wished I didn't stress out so much over it. The worry ruined my last few weeks. So please stop. Just let it go. Relax and enjoy the little time you have left. The baby will be here before you know it and all castor oil is going to do is make you really sick. It is not going to start your labor unless it was going to start on its own.

    Good luck to you!

  16. DONT DO IT!!!    I used castor oil twice and it was disgusting!  It just triggers crazy horrible diarrhea which causes your bowels to spasm which stimlates minor contractions (sometimes)  You just feel like c**p (literally) for  hours and then nothing happens!  Plus it's so gross to drink and you get dehydrated too, it's just not good for you.  Wait it out, it will happen when it's supposed to.  Enjoy being pregnant, pretty soon, your life will be so crazy!  SLEEP!  You won't be able to for a LONG LONG time after this so get as much as you possibly can right now!  Good Luck!

  17. Unless you are within 48 hours of delivery all castor oil will do is give you the runs...I did this when I was a week over with my son...I had him 8 days later when he was ready to come.

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