
I am almost 5'0 and i want to stop growing i know alot of you are going to think im weird im 13 ?

by Guest58701  |  earlier

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and i want to stop growing is there any medication that i can take or do anything please if u dont have somthing good to say dont say anything at all...thank you




  1. Smoking will stunt your growth.  

  2. You can't stop growing unfortunately. 5' is very little anyway and being taller will make clothes fit you better. Short people often have trouble getting cool clothes to fit well. My cousin is very little 4' 11" and she's had that problem forever. She'd kill for a couple more inches! You'll just have to accept that growing is a part of life.  

  3. I read an article once in my doctor's office that said some girls take estrogen supplements in order to stunt their growth.. I don't know how this works exactly, but that's what it said. I thought it was interesting because I'm well over six feet tall, and although I'd recommend embracing your body as it is, it might be something to look into.  

  4. Drink coffee see I'm 15 I'm 5'0 my boyfriend say I'm 4'10 but ever since I started to drink coffee I won't grow. I love my height too I've been 5'0 for 3 years.

    Most people says coffee makes you look old

    But I still look pretty


    And I've been drinking it for 3 years

  5. just eat all your vegetables...believe it or not this may stunt your short girls are totally hot to me ;)  

  6. Not that I know of - there are things they can do if you're unnaturally tall (like over 7ft) and having bone problems, but no good doctor is gonna perscribe you something at 13 to keep you at 5'

    It all depends on your genetics.  Look at your WHOLE family.  Are you parents, siblings, grandparents, cousins all short or tall? Odds are pretty good that if they're all about 5' then that's what you'll be. If they're all 6'l" then you're in trouble.  

  7. lol

    Im 14 and 5'2 and I want to be like 3 more inches cause everyone seems to be taller than me.The thing is you cant control how tall you are gonna be,i dont think any of those pills work,its just a waste of money.I mean you probably wont grow more than 5'4 so dont worry about it either way your still gonna be short lol.Hope I helped doubt I did haha

  8. im 13 and im 5' way to stop your growth rate

  9. OH my GOD! Im 5'1 and im 14 and i want to stop growing too! Haha people think im weird too! But i dont think theres a way to stop growing! The thing i do though is not stretch a lot!

  10. why would u wanna  stop growing  5 'o is

    short in modern days ppl

    shouldnt u want to be taller

    well anyways sice ur 13 and is a girl u wont get much taller after that maybe gain like 2 inch from now till 18

  11. I am much taller than you and I'm younger than you...

  12. There is nothing you can do to stop growing taller, but you can make yourself appear less tall by wearing clothes that are the opposite of what they would suggest for a petite woman to look taller.  Parting your hair in the middle helps, too.  And, not to sound mean, but you might want to examine why you don't want to be any taller... Good Luck!  

  13. There is nothing that can be done to stop growing. I stopped growing at 13 I was 5' 7" and I wanted to be taller. Im 32 now and sometimes I still wish I was. Your height will depend on how tall your parents are.  

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