
I am always always obligated to take care of my brother!?

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I am seventeen years old and a senior in high school my brother is currently a freshmen at a local community college are family residents in scottsdale,az and my parents have to go to north carolina because my grandfather is dieing from liver and heart failure. My brother is nineteen and has caused h**l for my parents he still lives at home. He started are kicthen on fire on accident, had a car wreck, slapped a ex girlfriend my parents hired him a lawyer cause he had charges he got probation and stole credit cards just to help his ex with her bills which was 900 dollars. I hate seeing my dad like this knowing his father will pass soon he is the oldest out of the seven children. I wanted to saty with my aunt on my mothers side she said it was fine but she turn around and said you know Elizabeth your going to cause me to have more work. I want you to stay here and take care of your brother because i am afraid your brother will start a fire again pleasse stay and take care of him i dont want the dogs to die we have four of them. My question to all of you is this i wanna go to my aunts but my mom makes me feel guilty about my brother and lets face i am staying if i tell her how i feel she not going to give a f**** at all and i always feel obligated to take care of my brother can someone help if they had the experience could you help me




  1. My god Elizabeth what a situation you are in. At your age i don't think you should have to be responsible for you're brother. It is not fair that you're mum makes you feel like this. I am not an expert on these things.

    Is there no one else you can speak to in the family that will help. Or does you're High School not have some one who can advice you.

    My mum was like that with me and I finally did my own thing, but I was lucky and had friend's that helped me. Mum and I fell out and did not speak for a year. We did make up but still had small arguments. I do so hope that you can get the help you need. You definitely do not have to look after you're brother not at his age. He is old enough to vote, so he is old enough to look after him self. Hope you get it sorted love. xx

  2. Go to college and don't worry you need to live your life too

  3. well if hes older than u then he should be taking care of u not u taking care of him

  4. If you are going to have to break a few hearts and make a few people mad to further your be it!

    When you graduate...leave for college.

    I understand that they are in a bad situation right now, and I would not suggest you leave them in the lurch right now.

    They are dealing with some extremely emotional things right now, but once all is well you need to leave and work on you.

    They will have to figure out what to do with him.

    He is a grown man.

    If that means kicking his butt to the curb, so be it.

    He is an irresponsible person, who has no consideration for his family.

    They will get over it after they realize that you are doing what is best for yourself.

    Best wishes


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