
I am always cold, im overweight and my hair is falling, im also anemic?

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I am always cold, im overweight and my hair is falling, im also anemic?




  1. Sounds like you may want to make an appointment with your doctor sweety

  2. Sounds like hypothyroid symptoms. For that, see an endocrinologist. A small pill can be a big help with that problem if that is what it is.

    You should also get some top quality balanced nutritional supplements.

  3. what's the question?   Your cold because your most likely anemic. I guess the question is why. You could have kidney failure. Those were my symptoms.

  4. I think you need to go to a doctor and get an offical diagnosis and medication as needed.

  5. always cold is normal, im always cold, haha

    being overweight can be solved by eating healthy and excersizing

    your hair can fall out due to lack of protein, so eat protein

    and yeahhh  

  6. Yes i agree with Terry, your symptoms are classic of the Thyroid being under-active. See an Endocrinologist for treatment.  

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