
I am always feeling sick, why?

by  |  earlier

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Very vague question. I am always feeling nauseous and physically drained. I use the bathroom like four times a day, no matter how much or how little I eat. I am also always so hot feeling, my AC unit it set on 74 degrees right now and I am still sweating. I dont understand, I never feel like doing anything. Sometimes I feel dizzie, like I could pass out but not very often. Can anyone tell me what could be wrong? Any help would be appriciated. Thanks.




  1. why put up with it when you can see a doc.  doesnt sound good

  2. Are you eating the right foods?  Drinking enough water?  You sound mildly dehydrated.  But it is probably more mental than anything else.  Go see a doctor and get checked out.  Make sure and get your hormone levels evaluated to rule out a thyroid problem.  If they don't find anything abnormal, you will know it's mental and you are making yourself have these problems.

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