
I am always hungry!?

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i am always hungryy!

even when i just finished a big meal... i tend to still want to eat and eat!

whyy is this and what can i do to make me stop always thinking about food!??

thank you!=]




  1. I'm always hungry too! I eat and eat until I find something to do.

    u should exercise and do things to keep you entertained, usually I eat when I'm bored.  

  2. Ur Preggers.

  3. i know, i am the same way.  Even when i fill up with healthy fruits, I'm still hungry and sometimes eat some junk food, or late night cravings.

  4. After your meals, why not drink some water. Water can help the hunger go away and make u feel full.

  5. maybe your not hungry maybe your thirsty

  6. it could be stress...but i know what you mean i am always hungry too

  7. eat somthing nasty as ur punishment and maybe ur body will learn to not be hungry as much

  8. well if u r craving something my friend said to picture that thing crawling with worms or something that discusts u and then u wont wana eat it hope i helped. ( :

  9. I can relate to that, if you have ruled out the more important answers that you have had so far, I think you might find that it boils down to habbit and boredom. I am struggling with this myself so I don't have any advice, but please think about it. Could this be the problem?

  10. u might have a tape worm.......

  11. i know exactly what you mean! i had no idea what was wrong with me. but you are only always hungry because you are constantly thinking about it. when i keep busy, i don't feel hungry at all. don't worry, it'll pass.

  12. Your not alone I've been a glutton for twenty years and I ain't ready for retirement.  

  13. maybe your growing.

  14. you are either pregnant or you are depressed  

  15. Perhaps you don't have any self control over your eating?

  16. I know sometimes when its that time of month my friend get real hungry. Or it can be normal. I'm always hungry.  

  17. Well, it can be a lot of things...are you incorporating a lot of protein in your diet? It will fill you up more than empty carbs.  Also, I find that when I am bored around the house I feel hungry...but I am not.  Try calling a friend, drinking a lot of water, or leaving your house for a bit.  Sometimes it passes and you realize you were not hungry in the first place.

  18. You will always think about food.  It's wired into our brains.

    Try eating several small meals instead of big ones.  Munch on some fruits and veggies in between and drink lots of water.  Take vitamins and be sure you are getting enough proteins in your diet.  Carbs can make you hungrier if you eat too much of that in your diet.

    When you finished a meal, take a walk, come back and drink a large glass of water.  This will help you feel full and satisfied.  Your body is needing something and eating more and more food will not satisfy it until it gets the needed vitamins, proteins, carbs, fat etc.

    Do not skip meals.  Everyone does this.  Start out to work with coffee and dough nuts and wonder why you are so hungry at lunch.  Grab a take out something and then rush home to eat a huge dinner.  All wrong.  Try this and see for yourself if it works for you.  
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