
I am always so depressed!

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Someone please give me some advice! I am always depressed about money because I never have any. I work an hour away from my house and it takes so much gas to get there that I have to save almost half of my paycheck just for gas to get to work everytime I get paid. (I get paid 2 times a month). I have been trying and trying to find a job closer, but with the economy like it is, I can't find anything. Also, I live in a pretty small town. I just recently moved in with my boyfriends' parents to save money, but I still have a car payment, car insurance, student loans, credit cards, and a loan payment to pay every month and I never have enough for all of this and for gas. Also, I feel so unattractive everyday when I wake up and look in the mirror! I feel fat all the time. I used to be a lot thinner, I was never skinny, but not as fat as I am now. And none of my old pants fit anymore, but I can't afford to buy new ones. I always feel tired no matter how much sleep I get and I never go anywhere. All of my friends moved away after high school, and I haven't made any new ones. I just don't know what to do. I am always so pessimistic and I didn't used to be. I hate my life more and more everyday. It's like, I know I'm depressed and I don't want to be, but nothing I do makes it any better. Every time something good happens, something bad happens right afterwards. Please give me some advice on how to cope with this or what to do. Anything would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!




  1. I had a small period in my life like that and from an outside perspective it seemed like I had everything going right. It's like a cycle that you feel your trapped in. It's like I was comfortable with the sorrow and the pain even if I could pull myself out its like I didnt even want to. Then I saw everybodies life continuing while mine stayed the same. Then I found out it wasnt my luck or anything else it's me. I could sit around and be sorry or I could do something about it. I found things that interested me things I was passionate about and then my confidance returned. You have to fight those negative feelings, if you feel bad about your weight get your Ipod and start walking. Find the things you love if you love painting put your feelings into it and when you find those things your confidance will return and everything else will fall into place. As for the money problem make a strict budget and stick to it, it wont be forever until you can find other financial options.

  2. Let me start off with the job/economy thing as I'm dealing with a similar situation (I'm self-employed so some days I have 0 income).  Continue the search for a local position (even if it is making less as the difference in gas will balance out).  Do you have someone you can carpool with perhaps?  Also start thinking of other ways to make money.  Ebay, Youtube, social networking sites, paid content, a home business, etc.  Plenty of arenas you can look into for sure.  The economy is not as bad as it's been prior, but it definitely is pretty tough.

    As for the depression, it seems like the depression may be triggered by your financial concerns?  Would you say that is the majority of your worries?  Weight gain, sleep problems, low self-esteem (feeling unattractive), feeling alone/isolated, being pessimistic are all signs of depression.  

    Depression can be triggered by so many things.  There are tons of resources on the Internet where you can learn about depression and even receive helpful counseling (for free) from people who are skilled mental health workers who simply want to help.  Also there are programs through the government and the state which can get you in with a psych/ologist for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan, often times for free.

    One thing that always helps me as I'm currently suffering from job/financial-related depression and anxiety, is.... There's always someone worse off than you.  I know it sounds terribly cliche, but trust me, there is!

  3. Keep in mind that your whole life isn't going to be like this. Everyone's life has ups and downs, and this is just a down that you will work your way through.

    It sounds like you need a walk and some perspective.

    Walking will get you some excercise to make you feel better about your weight, boost your energy (you're tired from working so hard and from being depressed, but trust me, getting a little non-strenuous exercise in will lift your mood and energize you), and make your mood better. If you're close enough, walk whenever you have to run errands--e.g. go to the store, etc.--this will save you a little on the gas you're using to get to work.

    If there's absolutely any way you can do so, spend a couple of hours at a soup kitchen or volunteering somewhere. This will give you a bit of perspective and make you feel better that you're doing good for your community.

    Good luck, and just keep reminding yourself that this is temporary!

  4. You can kill 2 birds with 1 stone. What I suggest was done by Moses, Jesus, Buddha, Pythagoras and Hippocrates. You do fasting. You will save money not buying food and will get thinner. You can do it on weekends. Or do lemonade diet which can be done at work but you do not save as much since you have to buy lemons or limes. Site below has quotes by 19 MDs on fasting. It helps save money, lose weight, anxiety and depression. The server is malfunctioning today so see it tom morrow or next day.

    That money that you need is being spent on excess food to make you fatter.

  5. smoke weed

  6. keep yourself busy,try yoga read good books and see the differance

  7. send this message to your parents. no parent wants there child to be depressed.  

  8. I can't but agree with Travis. With all those debts you have it will take you years. 1st. you need to find a place near to your job place. Your saving on gas can be channeled to your others debts. You can also get advice from your local bank. I believe they can help you to organize your monthly loan repayment based on your current financial situation. Its not the end of the world and be positive.

  9. you need a boyfriend that can help you out and that can take care of himself and you and has a good job! or a really good friend to help you out.

  10. Listen there is something called negative energy and you are just pouring with it! Negative energy brings nothing but more negative things, you have to start to try and be positive. I am out of a job right now and broke as can be and I have been trying to get a job for 8 months! It sucks but what can I do about it? Nothing! I have tried and tried to turn things around for myself but with the economy its not going to happen so I stop stressing and just move on with my life and enjoy what I can. You should do this too. Try to be positive about things that are always great. Think of it this way you drive and hour to work, thats awesome! You have an hour to yourself to chill listen to whatever music you want be alone think about what you have to do for the day enjoy the sun if its out or the sound of the rain if its pouring. You always have to try to look on the bright side of things. And if things are so bad you can't take it just say s***w it and start changing some things! Do some yoga, get a new boyfriend, get a second job that is fun, make a day sundae day and make a giant sundae to spoil yourself! Just say "I am not going to live like this anymore!" And change take a leap of faith. Just be positive and good will come your way! Books I reccommend to pull you out of this massive depression are The Secret and Fabulosity you will feel better if you read them. I suggest reading them outside with the sun shining, oh and go get a tan a tan makes everyone feel better!

  11. when ever i was depressed i looked to god.

    if you feal so ugly go to the gym or go on runs if you cant afford to go you will feal very happy about yourself when you look better in the mirror. and for the job thing you could try driving a scooter those thing get mad mpg. you will save alot of money. give these thngs time you can go from bad to good in the next day. work out your life slowly step by step and b prould of the progress you made once you do each step.

  12. i think you need to start goin out. i think that if you started going out and makin friends and hanging out you would feel better. staying in the house just makes you think of your problems more which just makes you feel worse. if you dressed up sometime you would feel better about yourself and have more energy to do things like work out or even just think more clearly. this way you can figure out a way to work out your financial issues.

  13. Can you find a place to move closer, try to get rid of some of the bills so you can have money to start getting a life back and friends, you can also turn to God to help.  

  14. You are the only person that can get yourself out of this jam!!

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