
I am an 18 yr old applying to colleges but just got DUI charge last week help! GA?

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ok please ANY help would be most appreciated. i went to Jack Johnson concert on 8/13/2008 and took MARTA from lakewood amphitheater to the Roswell area. I had a few beers and only weigh 120 and someone was my DD but it ended up I had to drive the 5 miles back to my house. I was very late for my parents school night curfew and speeding(God i know retarded right? whats worse police or parents) I got pulled over for 20 over and the cop smelled alcohol. of course I was spilled on at the concert. I did fine on the walk the line test and stand on 1 foot for 30 seconds(no swaying or dropping of foot) however was breathalyzed there and also taken to Roswell jail where i blew a .109 (yes obviously over underage drinking limit) I spent 10 hours in jail until bailed out. I may get kicked out of my school... and my name will soon be in the newspaper. i know trying to get some sympathy dont worry i am being thoroughly and fully punished and man many consequences of this. My real dilmma and issue however is that i am applying to UGA and in the application it states

Have you ever been charged with, convicted of, or pled guilty or nolo contendere to a crime other than a minor traffic offense or are any criminal charges now pending against you.

I do not know how i should answer for UGA is my top choice and with good grades-3.8, and a 1370 SAT i have a good chance of getting in. please any advice or knowledge or experience you might share would be greatly appreciated

I realize i have messed up and will do as much service hours or work however much I need to pay for all these costs (ya I will be paying not parents) but I do not want this to ruin my whole future. thanks...




  1. DUI is NOT a minor violation. Do not lie. It will come back to you.  



  3. Be honest and say yes, that you have criminal charges pending against you.

    If you have an opportunity in an essay or comments section, explain how you have learned from your mistakes and how you plan on continuing to overcome the challenges.

    You might be able to get away with lying, but then again you might not... and either way you would have to live with knowing you falsely earned admission to UGA.  It's not worth it; just tell the truth and try to soften the blow by turning a negative experience into a learning one.

  4.   There are certain things in life that if you do them, they will forever be a part of your history. You cannot undo them.

    The big question is, " what do I do next?"

    You have two choices.  You can  blame everyone else for it, rationalize it ( all I did was,.... while murderers go free)

    OR you can own up to it, and admit you made a mistake and bear the consequences. If you choose this option, you will be a MUCH better person. Now, you are aware you control your own destiny and it will be your own actions that determine your future. Indirectly, you have  learned that a 3.8 GPA at UGA will be solely because YOU earned it.

    I really believe that while you did s***w up,. you will be a much better person because of it.

    End of sermon. I would say, be honest with UGA.  No matter what you did, a 3.8 GPA and those SAT's speak very loudly.I don't think you're going to have any troubler at all.

    Best of luck at UGA!

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