
I am an American citizen and I wanna go to Cuba, what's the best and safest way to do it?

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I am an American citizen and I wanna go to Cuba, what's the best and safest way to do it?




  1. In theory, US citizens do not to travel to Cuba without permission of the State Department.   Here in south Florida & its large Cuba population, l see that many go to the Bahamas or Mexico & connect on flights to Havana.  

  2. Wait until castro and castro are not in charge of the government

  3. Banana boat....lolz

  4. And why do you want to go there ?  

  5. Theres a couple of ways you can do it, if you live anywhere in the north, fly to Canada and catch a flight, if you live in the southwest, go to Mexico and if you live in the southeast, then fly to Jamaica. Jamaica is actually really easy because its only about 50 miles or so from Cuba. Thats the way I would do it because the flights would be cheaper too. Technically when you fly from these countries, even though you are an American Citizen you are a resident for the time being from an ally country and you will be allowed admittance

  6. Two possibilities :

    1) To travel legally to Cuba as a US citizen you need an OFAC license ( see ) .This license is only granted for special reasons ( cultural, medical , humanitarian etc.) Not for vacations.

    2) Travelling through Cancun Mexico or Toronto Canada. The Cuban authorities do not stamp your passport, the Cuban visa can be bought on the Cuban airports. Note, that this practice is considered as illegal by the US immigration services. They may search your luggage for Cuban souvenirs, travel tickets, visa, passenger lists etc.

    When they can proof your voyage to Cuba you can get a fine up to 1,000,000$ and/or prison. So this is not without a risk .


  7. There are certainly agencies that offer assistance to aid Americans to travel via Canada.

    Go to Guadaljara and hang out at "Bodeguita Del Medio" with the Cuban expats and wait until it's legal. It will probably save you a lot of money and hassle in the long run.

  8. Lia C and Havanalover have given you helpful information.

    Havanalover also gave you the link for the OFAC if you will require a travel licence.

    However, here are a couple of other links that will help you know how to travel via a 3rd country. There are many places you can travel from such as Canada, Mexico, (as Lia said, Jamaica), the DR...etc.

    And because Cuba does not stamp passports, it wouldn't be an issue for you. You would need to of course be cautious about leaving paper trails such as receipts, tickets, tourist cards, souvenirs, etc...if you go through Mexico some souvenirs can be similar, and of course without the name Cuba on the souvenirs.

  9. The best way is to wait until the comunist government does not rule cuba anymore  

  10. I dont believe there is a safe way for an american citizen to travel to cuba unless you are latino, look latino, and/or speak really good spanish that sounds like you are latino.

  11. Wait until fidel and the little brudder are not anymore on the earth, but below it

  12. You can't go to Cuba if you are an American Citizen. Ever since the Cuban Missle Crisis, the government won't let anyone go to Cuba unless you are still a citizen from another country than the U.S.

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