
I am an American pilot. If I move to Canada, can I fly a CA registered plane without converting my license?

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I will eventually convert, but would like to fly before I get all the paperwork done.




  1. Here is Transport Canada's take on it.

    Validation of Foreign Licences

    401.07(1) Subject to section 6.71 of the Act, if the holder of a foreign flight crew licence issued by a contracting state other than Canada meets the applicable requirements set out in the personnel licensing standards and is not a permanent resident of Canada, the Minister shall, on receipt of an application submitted in the form and manner set out in those standards, issue a foreign licence validation certificate.

    (amended 2001/03/01; previous version)

    (2) The Minister shall, in accordance with the personnel licensing standards, specify in a foreign licence validation certificate the privileges that may be exercised by the holder of the certificate.

    421.07 Validation of Foreign Licences

    (1) Issue of Foreign Licence Validation Certificate

    (a) A Foreign Licence Validation Certificate shall be issued to an applicant who provides the following:

    (i) a foreign licence valid under the laws of a contracting state and valid for the privileges requested; and

    (ii) a letter requesting issue of the Foreign Licence Validation Certificate and specifying the purpose for which the foreign licence is to be validated.

    (b) The Foreign Licence Validation Certificate shall normally be issued for a period of one year from the date of issue. A shorter period may be granted upon the applicant’s request.

    (amended 1998/03/23; previous version)

    (c) If the medical validity period of the licence issued by a contracting state other than Canada is longer than the ICAO standard, the validation shall be limited to Canadian airspace.

    (amended 2003/03/01; previous version)

    (2) Purposes For Which Foreign Licence Validation Certificates May Be Issued

    (a) for the holder to undergo a flight test;

    (b) for private recreational flying;

    (c) for ferry of an aircraft registered in Canada to or from a foreign country;

    (d) for the holder to give type rating training on an aircraft registered in Canada to the registered owner, or to Canadian flight crew employed by the registered owner;

    (amended 2003/03/01; previous version)

    (e) for the holder to receive training in a Canadian registered aircraft;

    (amended 1998/03/23; previous version)

    (f) for operation of aircraft registered in a foreign state under the operating certificate of a Canadian carrier provided that the privileges are limited to the type of aircraft being operated;

    (amended 1998/03/23; previous version)

    (g) for operation of Canadian aircraft on Canadian commercial air services in urgent circumstances; such as fire suppression operations, emergency agricultural and forestry aerial application, airlift in relief of domestic natural disasters, and search and rescue operations;

    (amended 1998/03/23; previous version)

    (h) for commercial air services operated entirely within a foreign country where pilots holding a licence from that country may have their licence validated for operation of Canadian registered aircraft in that country;

    (amended 1998/03/23; no previous version)

    (i) for the operation of aircraft registered in Canada on lease to foreign carriers;

    (amended 1998/03/23; no previous version)

    (j) for reasons other than those mentioned above where approval may be given if, in the opinion of the Minister, it is in the public interest and not likely to affect aviation safety.

    (amended 1998/03/23; no previous version)

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