
I am an American wanting desperately to come and live in Ireland. What can I expect? Are Americans welcome?

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I am 19, and love everything that I have ever heard about the Irish, Ireland. I would want to come with great respect. I want to travel and eventually live in Ireland. Would an American be discriminated, or what can I expect that's different from America?





    i do not care for pc people. i was at work recently and overheard polish workers picking on a local worker,saying that they love to take our houses, our jobs and most of all they love to take our women, they also said that social security was their free money from heaven. how can we integrate when this behaviour is constant. talk about rubbing salt in the wounds. we need a new government. every1 vote them out.

  2. Cead mile failte!

    Americans aren't discriminated against in Ireland. Most people aren't in favour of the war in Iraq etc. but that is a matter against Mr Bush and his White House cronies, not the US people.

    Don't expect to see leprechauns and people greeting you with salutations such as "Top of the morning to you". It's not reallly like that! (but I'm sure you knew that already!)

    Edit: Ignore Jeepster. He's a bigot.

  3. Why??? DON'T DO IT! lol

    Nah, I doubt you'd get anymore discrimination there than you would anywhere else...but it wouldn't be my first choice! Remember that the Irish are well known for 'travelling' themselves in their shiity caravans, so a question that should come to mind is why they don't stay in Ireland! In fact if you stay there too long and pick up their accent you'll probably suffer from more discrimination because they'll think your Irish!!!

    Don't believe everything you've read in a travel brochure!! lol

    Take Care

  4. Irish people loooove Americans. Trust me, i am american, but both of my parents immigrated here from ireland before i was born. we visit there all the time, and everyone welcomes us with open arms. the people there are very warm, helpfull, and friendly. You'll love it!

  5. I sense you have a love for the Irish, so you should do well. Go there to learn and conform. Never say, 'In the US we do it this way...' or, 'Back in the states, we have ...'.  The Irish are a (justly) proud and clever people and have made some very valuable contribution to the US. I'm sure they will welcome you to their fold.

  6. It's better to come and visit for a while first. It really can be a huge culture shock on the one hand, and it's nothing like the Disneyland-like stories that many Irish-Americans seems to like to tell about Ireland.

  7. i have lived with americans living in ireland (galway) and they had a great time... most didnt want to go back to the states

  8. Come over on Spec and check things out, Treat it as a Holiday at first and enjoy yourself. Swot up on Rules and Regulations for staying Here, Visas ,Job Opportunities, Which is the Area that suits you best for Living Here. The Best Areas for Jobs are the Cities, like Dublin ,Cork, Limerick, Galway,  Athlone,with the Accent on Dublin. If you are a College Grad and have IT Experience you will  have a fair chance of getting Jobs. I suppose you could try American Companies First  for Jobs as a Start. The Country Has Beautiful Scenery and the People like Americans so you should have no Problem Here fitting in. Like every Country we have Pickpockets and Con Artists and also Nutty People and we have Druggies and People who Drink Beside Canals and in some Parks in outlying Ares of Cities so be carefull. This is  really only in Cities that you will  find this mostly Dublin. People Hate George Bush, Cheny , Condolezza Rice and most American Politicians but they Like Americans. Good Luck have a Nice Visit.

  9. come on holidays fine but dont work here we want our jobs from ourselves anyway hardly any true Irish people living in Ireland anymore:(

  10. I am an American that recently moved to Ireland. Don´t worry about discrimination here. The Irish are extremely friendly people. It is a lovely country with a mild climate. Don´t forget a windproof umbrella! Don´t expect to see many Irish when walking the streets of Dublin.

    What is different? Almost everything. Houses look different and there are grey stone walls everywhere. Lots of churches made of the local grey stones. History is everywhere. You will love it! Make sure to look to your right first, when crossing a street. They drive on the left.

    Coming here as a tourist is easy. You can stay up to 90 days on a tourist visa. Just walk through immigration at the airport and get your stamp. They are very nice. Not like the rabid dogs called immigration officials in the US.

    To live here is not that easy. It is very expensive. Rents are astronomical compared to the US. Unless being sent here by a US company or a student, you will find it difficult to stay and find a job. It´s a lot easier, if you are married to an EU citizen.

    Before moving here, inform yourself and be prepared to wait for necessary documents for months.

    Have a great trip and enjoy it!

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