
I am an American wanting to move to Auckland, New Zealand. Where is the best part of the city to move to?

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I am an American wanting to move to Auckland, New Zealand. Where is the best part of the city to move to?




  1. The North Shore is your best bet. (but it's very expensive. I myself would live near Long Bay if I my parents had enough money to stay there. *sigh* )

    If you can't afford that try the slightly cheaper alternative of Henderson. (Lots of shops and near Tertiary schools and hospitals.)

    If you want to live in a cheap suburb type of area you should try areas in West Auckland like Blockhouse Bay etc...

    I repeat what everyone else says 'Stay out of South Auckland' I know that its like an old ladies knitting group compared to overseas gangs and such and really it isn't that bad but you should settle for the best right?

    Whirlgirl signing out.

  2. I have lived in the Auckland suburbs of Mt. Eden, Ponsonby and Herne Bay, and all three of them had their charming sides.

  3. the most desirable part of Auckland is probably the northern part, try to stay away from south Auckland suburbs as it is rough and full of gangs, it is pretty much identical to south central ghettos in Los Angeles, perhaps with alot less violent crimes. I hear Howick area is probably the nicer part, it has a quite populous asian population, not to offend but they dub Howick "Chowick" because of the asian population, hehe. Pretty much all of New Zealand is a decent place to live, and i suggest trying Christchurch in the south island and if you are looking for a quieter but happening place try Napier in Hawkes Bay on the East coast of the north island. ANyways i hope this helps and pick me for best answer! lol

  4. If you're set on Auckland then stay away from Manukau City/Sth. Auck. The west coast beaches are absolutely beautiful, rugged, if you're prepared for a commute from the city centre. Some of the areas closer to town are good, Mt. Eden, Mt. Albert. Also some nice areas on the North Shore as well. If you're into outdoor pursuits you might want to consider the Sth. Island, Dunedin's a cool university town with good access to the mountains, beaches, lakes etc.

  5. Go to the West Coast....Piha,Karekare and any where in Waitakere regiongreat surfing artistic people.It is still relatively untouched by the madness of everyday life.I currently live in Florence Italy,but my "Home" is Karekare beach----go,look and worship---it is a cathedral.

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