
I am an Entrepreneur and Inventor but I am stuck?

by  |  earlier

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I have this product/invention that I want to be sold in stores but I don’t know where to get the first prototype for. I feel that I have tried everything, calling different companies and going to meetings after meetings and they all turn out to be dead ends for me. I just want to sell my product and start my own company but I'm stuck and I tired of being of dead ends. I need Help




  1. I would get my patent before doing much more -

    You need to make sure that no one else has already invented and patented the same thing you are inventing.

    Draw your idea out on paper in great detail, with dimensions and every little thing. You will need this for the patent.

    I am sure you can find one crafty friend that can help you put a prototype together. Then you hit the streets and find out how many people would purchase your invention.

    If you find that people will buy your idea you can apply for a small business loan or see if you can find some investors.

    Everyone will want to see the "needs survey" or how many people will buy your idea before they give you money.

    Once you get the money you can then find someone to make up your product. Contact the home shopping channels and see if you can sell through them, sell wholesale to retailers, etc.

    You might also check the library on how to get an idea through the process.

    Good luck.

  2. Build it yourself. Or go to a local university / college and find someone in that area who might know people - you just have to keep at it. Being an inventor / entrepreneur means never giving up  at dead ends - and there are a lot of dead ends...

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