
I am an German and American citizen and I want to join the Army

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I heard I would have to give up my German citizenship is this true? If so why?




  1. no u wont have to the only problem is getting your top secrete or classified clearance  

  2. No you don't.  We have people in the military that are not American citizens at all.  The issue is clearance.  If you want a job that requires any sort of clearance then you will not be able to get that if you hold citizenship to another country.  So, it just depends on what job you want.  

  3. you would only have to give up your German Citizenship if you became an Officer or your MOS required a Top Secret or Higher Security Clearance.  

  4. yes, YOU need to pledge your loyalty to the USA!

    You know what happened in WW2 to the Germans!

  5. Here is the true answer, as I deal with on an almost daily basis as a Recruiting and Retention NCO.  To enlist in the Army you CANNOT have dual citizenship, you must denounce one or the other.  You can enlist in the Army without being a U.S citizen as long as you are here legally as a Permanent Resident Alien but you cannot hold a security clearance, which is required for certain jobs, to be an officer,warrant officer and E-7 and above.  The simple answer is get rid of your german citizenship, which, you recruiter can help you with.

  6. Not exactly. You DO have to take an oath to the US flag to enlist.

  7. No you're not, you can't have dual citizenship with Germany and the U.S.

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