
I am an Ice skater and cannot land my axle, are there any off ice/on ice training i can do? Any tips?

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i really want to land it! ican land it on the harness but not by myself!




  1. an axel is one of the hardest jumps to get so i can see why you struggle... it took me 3 months before i could get a perfect axel heres how i did it...

    i first attemped on the carpet... might seem stupid but if you cant land on carpet you cant on the ice either...then when i got a perfect landing on my carpet axel i moved onto putting on my skates (with blade guards) and attempting it that way to get used to having the skates on and the small surface area of my skates... then i did it on the ice.. took me around 15 tries to get it perfect but it was worth it!

    with you... you can do it in the harness im guessing becuase you know you cant fall far and you have something to support you but not on your own becuase the support has gone and your all alone. try thinking your still in the harness and it will support you if you fall, this way you wont feel as alone then gradually work up until you can confidently think your on your own. it will come to you with alot of practice

    good luck !

  2. A lot of people just do figure skating but I don't think that's good. It's good to do almost everything.

    Like I do other then figure skating, yoga, belly dancing, ball room dancing, ballet, gymnastics, rolle blading, net ball, basket ball...and yea I think there's more.

    Have you ever done private Ice skating? It's really good. Because you get to skate all by your self and you don't have to worry about crashing into some one. It does cost a lot of money but I think everyone has to do it. Like I do it every month!

    Because I do a lot of dancing and skating, I don't get much time to play but it's not that bad if I think about how many awards I have for figure skating.

    Hope I helped.. :P

  3. I luv figure skate, some people are not as lucky in the financial zone like you seem to be. Figure skating alone is a really expensive sport, so to most of us, if we choose skating, we would usually stick to skating with ballet or something. You may have a lot of money to be able to join and participate in the other cirricular activites, but if you hadn't realize they all cost more money in some way. Also we can't afford the private ice like you can. So don't say it like it's no big deal.

    As for the axel, I'm stuck on it too. Well I haven't been working on it because I switched coaches and he only does single jumps so far plus I have a competition in August I think so we would have to practice that...

    I think the first answerer had a good answer. So try what she says! Good luck! :)

  4. First, don't worry -- it takes a lot of skaters a long time to perfect an axel.  Take a deep breath and don't be too hard on yourself.  You can just practice axels off-ice and concentrate on getting your knee through straight.  Same thing on ice.....make sure your upper body is square before taking off and get your knee through, like you're trying to go up steps two or three at a time.  Snap into a backspin position.  Also, maybe just keep doing them on the harness -- one right after another.  Then after you've done a bunch, leave the harness belt on, yet unclip the acutal harness and try them.  I used to do that and it seemed I felt more comfortable with the belt on.  Good luck!  :)

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